Chapter 9: True Intentions

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At Jeffrey's Office, the last guard locked the cell door containing Mumbo. The hermits glared at them.

"Well done boys!" Jeffrey congratulated as she entered the room. The hermits' glare looks like it could melt them any minute.

Jeffrey looked back and forth between them, her smile faltering when she noticed two of them missing.

She let out an angry growl. "You idiots! You forgot somebody! Two somebodies!" she screamed at her guards, who took a step back in shock.

"Wh-what? Who?" one guard asked in fear.

Jeffrey pinched the bridge of her nose. "That little gremlin and that admin of theirs, that's who" she replied sarcastingly. "Who did you last capture?"

Every guard in the room pointed towards Mumbo.

"Where are you friends?" she asked angrily.

"I don't know what you're talking about" Mumbo lied. He was suddenly jerked in front of his cell when Jeffrey yanked the collar of his shirt.

"Where are they?!" she repeated, Mumbo gulping in fear.

"Hey! Nobody messes with our friends!" Tango defended.

"Yeah, you'll have to go through us first!" Doc added.

Jeffrey rolled her eyes and let go of Mumbo, albeit hard.

"I don't even care of what you think of me anymore" she declared. "It's either you tell me where on Roblox are those friends of yours, or I'll have to get it the hard way"

"But we already told you! We don't know!" Stress argued.She yelped when a cup flew into her direction.

"You'll pay for that!" some of the boys exclaimed. Jeffrey rolled her eyes and turned towards her guards.

"Find them. And none of you are going back until you have the both of them. Got it?!" she ordered.

Her guards saluted, one nearly hitting his eye in shock. "Yes Ma'am!"

"Good, now go!" the guards all scrambled out of the office, sans Jeremy.

"You'll never find them!" Ren exclaimed.

"Yeah, Grian and X are way too clever to be fooled you" False added.

"Really?" Jeffrey turned towards their direction, fake sweetness in her voice. "Last I checked, you believed me when I let you out of prison. How did that end for you?"

The hermits remained silent but kept glaring at her.

Jeffrey shrugged. "Thought so. And since none of you were willing to cooperate, we'll just have to do this the hard way. Mmkay?" she asked, leaning face to face with Impulse.

"Never" he spatted.

Jeffrey smiled at his courage. "Suit yourself"

"Jeremy" she called out.

"Yes?" Jeffrey bowed down.

"Prepare the room. You know what to do" Jeremy nodded and left the room.

Jeffrey looked at the hermits one last time before leaving the room herself.

Back at Mad City, Grian and X were watching their surroundings now that they were wanted.

"Hey" The two jumped out a few blocks, and were prepared to run if they didn't see the Quintuple Trouble beside them.

"Will you stop doing that?" X asked.

The quintuplets just smiled innocently.

"So, how does being a real criminal feels like?" Four asked.

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