Everything Makes Sense

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Simon isn't at lunch, which is very concerning as that boy would never miss an opportunity to gorge on food, especially if there's scones. I look suspiciously at Baz and he seems to be a little out of it, as his friends are talking up a storm but he doesn't seem to be paying attention at all. At one point he looks over at the table, and I'm looking back. I expect some reaction, like a sneer or glare, but it doesn't come. He actually looks more... I don't know, disappointed? But that can't be right can it?
Well, whatever, if Baz isn't being antagonizing for once, then I'll gladly take it.

"Hey Penny," Agatha speaks up.
"Hm?" I respond while looking away from Baz.
"I think... I'm going to break up with Simon. For real, this time," Agatha says seriously, avoiding my eyes.
I'm silent for a moment.
"Okay. If you're serious about it this time," I respond, not really knowing how to react. The next bell comes swiftly and the classes pass by like nothing.

I'm heading out of the Weeping Tower when I see Simon walking with Agatha towards the White Chapel. Hoping to comfort him if I think Agatha is breaking up with him, I follow them, staying slightly out of sight.
Simon starts saying something to Agatha, but he can't seem to get it out. Then I see Baz coming up from behind Simon. Oh no, what's he doing? Before I can stop him, Baz says, "He's breaking up with you Wellbelove."
I stare in shock as Agatha asks if it's not true. Simon isn't vehemently denying it right away, which means it's true. He says a quick sorry and then bolts away.

Why would Baz help Simon break up with her? He's not hoping to get with her is he?
That thought is stopped dead in it's tracks as the next scene plays out.
"Well," she starts, "I guess I always knew we wouldn't work out."
"You knew it wasn't going to work out?" Baz asks, and it seems like he's trying to keep the anger out of his voice.
"Of course. I don't think I ever loved him. But you," Agatha smiles at him.
"No. Stop right there," he says stepping backwards. "Stay away from me, and sure as hell stay away from Simon," he angrily runs away. I can see her shocked face.
I quickly get out of there so no one sees me.

That's why Baz looked disappointed when Simon wasn't there. That's why he helped Simon break up with her. That's why Simon wasn't at lunch today. They are both falling for each other. Simon and Baz. Merlin, and Morgana, and Methuselah. He called him Simon. Everything is starting to make sense.

I wake up before Simon for once, and I don't take my time in the bathroom this morning. I quickly book it out of the room as soon as I get the chance. I don't know if I can face him after all that happened yesterday. I've even been calling him Simon. Crowley, how did it get like this so fast? I thought I'd never even entertain the thought of saying his name. It was like it was making it real, and now, it's more real than ever. But he can't like me back, he can't. He's Simon bloody Snow, the Mage's Heir, the Chosen One; the bloody enemy to the Old Families. How can he love me back? I'm a monster. So why do I want to believe it so bad? That he isn't the one plotting. After all, how could he ever think of something like this. Even going as far as to break up with Agatha. Though, I suppose their relationship was never working out in the first place, given everything I've gathered.

I make it to the dining hall for breakfast, and sit down with Dev and Niall. I see Bunce stroll in and sit down at her table, probably waiting for Simon. Her eyes drift to me, and they stay there for a moment, just us looking back at each other. Then she smiles, like she knows something. And it's Penelope Bunce, she probably does. I wouldn't be surprised if she found out about us, or whatever this us is between Simon and I, this early. I turn away from her, and pick at my food, not really eating just making it look like I have.
I'm pretty sure Dev and Niall asked me something, but once again I wasn't listening.
"What?" I asked.
Dev and Niall sighed.
"What's gotten into you, Baz? You've not been paying attention to our conversations at all. Seriously, what happened?" Dev asked.
I stare back and forth between the two of them, before deciding to leave. I can't possibly tell them what's actually going on. I haven't even told them I'm gay, let alone in love with my supposed worst enemy. So I go back to Mummer's House, despite the fact that Simon would most likely be there as he wasn't at breakfast yet.
Entering the room, I hear the sound of the shower and thank Merlin that I don't have to face Simon yet. I sit on my bed and open my journal to a new page. Time to start a new song.

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