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"Y... yes?" I caution.
"Yes, Simon. I do have to feed," Baz says avoiding any eye contact.
I stay silent for a moment. Baz has to feed. I was right?
"You... you are a vampire?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.
"...Yes, I am Simon. You were right," Baz says looking towards me. His face seems softer than normal, like a scared child.
"...What happened?" I ask.
"... I'd rather not dwell on it," Baz says, walking towards the door.
"Baz, come on," I say.
"Leave it, Simon," Baz says, hand on the door handle.
"Baz-" I get cut off.
"Leave it Snow," Baz sneers as he shuts the door, leaving me alone in the room.
"Oh for Merlin's sake, now look what you've done Simon, back to him calling me Snow. Great," I say.
I look back to my journal. Guess I can work on the song again.

Don't go back on me love,
There are things we can change
Some things that we can't
But let us each have each other.

Knock, knock. "Simon?" I hear Penny's voice from outside the door.
I quickly put my journal away before responding.
"Yeah, Penny?" I ask as she opens the door.
"Hey, I just wanted to check in to make..." Penny says and then looks quizzically at Baz's bed.
Oh no. His journal.
"Um, why does Baz's journal have his name on it in your handwriting?" Penny asks.
"Uh," I say, not knowing what to say.
"Simon?" Penny asks.
I can feel myself getting hot. No, not now. I can't go off now. Especially since Baz just left in a bad mood. Ugh, Merlin, why!
"Simon, hey, it's okay, calm down, it's okay," Penny says, as she feels my magic get stronger.
I run into the bathroom and close the door.
Come on Simon. It's fine, it's just Penny, just breathe, you're gonna be fine. I try convincing myself, breathing in and breathing out. Breath in, and out. In and out. In. Out.
My magic and I both calm down, and I open the bathroom door. I quickly make it over to my bed and sit down.
"Simon?" Penny asks.
"Hi Penny," I say.
"Hi Penny?" Penny says.
"Hi Simon," I say.
"Merlin, Simon. Are you gonna answer my question from before?" Penny asks.
"... No," I respond after a few seconds. "It... shouldn't be for me to tell... I think," I say.
Penny sighs. "Alright, Simon... So, um, you broke up with Agatha," Penny says.
"More like Baz did for me," I say before realizing how that'd sound. "Wait, no, that makes i-" I get cut off.
"I know, I saw," Penny says.
"You did?" I ask.
"I didn't completely mean too... Okay maybe I did, but that's because Agatha said she was gonna break up with you. I never expected for you to break up with her," Penny says.
I'm silent. Agatha was gonna break up with me. Of course she was. I don't blame her. For a golden couple we sure were a terrible match. Hell, we even both had feelings for someone else. The same boy too. Boy. Baz.
"Penny?" I ask.
"Hmm, Simon?" Penny responds.
"Are you... would you be, uh... what if I..." I start. Merlin am I terrible with words. "Penny, I like guys," is what I decide to say.
"... Okay," Penny says.
"...Okay?" I respond.
"Okay. So... Baz?" Penny says in a mischievous voice.
"What! No! Of course not! Why'd you- that's- I mean- it's Baz!" I panic.
"Right, right... and this Baz just so happens to have a journal with his name on it written in your handwriting," Penny says, imitating my tone when I said Baz.
I'm silent again for a moment.
"... Okay... maybe, I like Baz," I say avoiding eye contact.
"Right, maybe," Penny laughs.
I smile.


"Yes, Simon. I do have to feed," I say, avoiding eye contact. I don't know why I say it, but I do. Why does he make me so weak?
"You... you are a vampire?" Simon asks.
"... Yes, I am Simon. You were right," I say looking towards Simon. His face looks so beautiful tilted like that, and I... well I imagine I look scared. I don't like being vulnerable. These past few days I've been so very vulnerable.
"... What happened?" Simon asks.
"... I'd rather not dwell on it," I say walking towards the door. Too vulnerable.
"Baz, come on," Simon says, and I know he's worried. But I can't. Not yet. I'm... I'm scared.
"Leave it, Simon," I say as my hand presses against the door handle.
"Baz-" Simon starts, but I cut him off.
"Leave it Snow," I sneer and shut the door. So I revert back. But it doesn't feel good. It makes me feel terrible. I called him Snow again. Why can't I just stay nice? I need to feed. It's been too long. So I walk to the Catacombs. It's easy to find the rats. With me gone for a few days it seems they got lenient. Not that that ever helped them before either. Now that I've fed, I sit down against the wall of the Catacombs. Though my journal isn't here, I can at least think of what I want the next part of the song to be.

Watford's Secret Songwriters - SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now