If The World Fell Down

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Merlin and Morgana, he's going to be the death of me. Niall continued to share the pastries with me until they were all gone. I couldn't help but want to. It ends all too soon, and I just want to stay with Niall in these moments forever. But we have to go to class. I already miss him.

I'm distracted in class, thinking about what happened with Niall and I. We're not exactly ones known to share, but it felt so right there, as though if we didn't the world would fall down around us taking us with it. Such a simple thing. He's the best anything I have in my life. If I lose him, I don't want to imagine what I'd try to do. I'd bring the world down with me to try to be with him. I know I'm selfish.

But everyone's a little selfish. The world can be damned for all I care, cause there's only one thing I care about enough to let go of everything. Niall makes me weak. But he makes me so strong, too.

He gives me the strength to wake up everyday knowing that I'll be able to see him. Just being around him makes me feel like I could do anything. There's so much I want to do with him.

The next class comes sooner than I'd like, but I don't want to go to class. I'm much too distracted today. So I head out towards the Wavering Woods to think and clear my head.

The Woods have the sound of birds chirping as I sit under a tree and close my eyes. I hum along to a song I wrote for Niall.

You're my weakness, love
Oh, but you are my strength
I live everyday, I live it for you

If the world fell down tomorrow, today
Let me hold on also, okay?
If the world fell down tomorrow, today
Love let me hold on, okay?

I hum until the end of the first chorus before I hear footsteps coming towards me and I open my eyes. It's Niall.

"Hey," I say.
"Hey," he says back, sitting next to me under the tree.
We just sit there for a moment, both being silent. Niall then moves closer to me, and puts his head on my shoulder.

"Niall?" I ask.
"Please, just, let me stay like this for a minute," Niall says.
I don't know what to say, I'm confused, and I just lean my head on his. I hum the next part of the song I wrote for him. He's not supposed to hear anything about this. But I'm much too weak.

You're my weakness, hun
You are my strength
Everyday I live, live it for you

If the world fell down tomorrow, today
Let me hold on also, okay?
If the world fell down tomorrow, today
Hun let me hold on, okay?

Niall interrupts before I can finish humming the last part of the song.
"Dev?" he asks.
"Yeah?" I say.
"What am I to you?" he asks.
I don't know how to answer that. The way he's asking me, where we are, what we're doing, it makes it all feel as though he's asking me if we're more than just best friends.


"What am I to you?" I ask.

He's silent, and I don't know if it's just because he's thinking or something more. I can always hope for something more, the last few moments with me leaning on his shoulder and him humming along to a song I don't recognize certainly feels like something more. But I don't know if it is, or if anything we've done today has been anything more. I'd like to think it has.

I lean off his shoulder and turn to look at him.
"Dev?" I ask. He still hasn't answered, staying silent.
He turns to look at me and his face is scared. As though anything he's about to say could make the whole world disappear. He looks so small being scared like that. I don't want him to be scared, I want to give him the world, I want to give him my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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