Chapter 11: Berserker Armor

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Nui looked on in pure horror, alongside Satsuki, Ryuko, Mako, the Elite Four and the entire student body, as the not so long standing there Black Swordsman, was now completely changed. Overtaken by all the negative emotions, Y/N stared right at Nui Harime, who was still standing atop of Ryuko, with her half of the Scissor Blade not so far away from her throat.

In an insane, demonic like speed, Y/N then suddenly dashed right at Nui, while jumping right at her, while also swinging his enormous sword, the Dragon Slayer, right at her.

Nui barely managed to move her Scissor Blade, to block Y/N's blow.

The sheer force behind the said blow though, proved to be enough to push Nui back and cause her to spill a lot of blood.

Now somewhat on top of Nui, with his sword, the Dragon Slayer locked with Nui's Scissor Blade, Y/N jumped back from the said female.

Only to then, stab his sword into the ground with great force, and then propel himself into the air.

With his sword, weighing over 400 pounds, Y/N front flipped several times in the air, right before he closed in to Nui, and downward swung his sword right at her with inhuman like strength.

Nui once more managed to move her Scissor Blade, this time alongside with her umbrella, to block Y/N's swing.

The force behind that swing though, proved to be enough to this time not only cause Nui to spill a whole lot of blood, but also to make her kneel.

Y/N once more jumped away from Nui, only to then land on the ground several feets away from her.

"W-What unbelievable strength... Is this really the same Black Swordsman, that was standing here not so long ago?" Nui asked herself, in her thoughts, as the only emotion that she was experiencing more and more as she looked at transformed Y/N, was pure fear.

Nui then slowly stood up, only to notice Y/N running straight towards her, with his sword on his shoulder.

With a creepy, wolf like howl, Y/N then swung his sword right at Nui.

Nui moved both her umbrella and Scissor Blade, to block Y/N's swing, with a lot of difficulty.

Nui then soon after attempted to counter, by sliding her Scissor Blade to the side of Y/N's Dragon Slayer, and then attempting to thrust her sword through Y/N's gut.

Y/N however, simply jumped over Nui, and thusly dodged her sword thrust.

Y/N landed right behind Nui. Before the said female had any time to react then, Y/N bit right onto Nui's neck, with his iron like teeths.

Nui screamed in pain and agony, as Y/N soon ripped some flesh out of her neck, causing the said female to now bleed profusely, and constantly.

Nui managed to gather her strength somewhat, then she turned to look at the Berserk Warrior, only to then attemp to strike him with a swing from her Scissor Blade directed right at his face.

At the same time, Nui also swung her umbrella at Y/N's stomach.

Before Nui umbrella or Scissor Blade could hit Y/N however, from Y/N's artificial hand, emerged a cannon, thanks to the magic of the Berserker Armor.

Y/N then blasted Nui away with his cannon arm.

Pushed back, all that Nui could do, was brace herself for an explosion, that was soon to take place.

Once the said explosion did occur, and when Nui was revealed behind the smoke, everyone could notice the said female still standing, while bleeding now even more profusely, with her face half blown away, and with smoke on all parts of her clothes and body.

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