Chapter 17: Berserker Rage

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As soon as the sun rose up in the horizon, signaling that yet another day has begun, Satsuki, Y/N and the Elite Four all gathered up to discuss a plan together.

The plan itself, was rather simple.

The entire school was rebuild into one huge stadium. All inhabitants of Honnō City were given a special formal suit for a welcome ceremony for the Board of Directors Chair and CEO of the Revocs Corporation, Ragyo Kiryuin herself.

Every single citizen has an obligation to come and participate in the ceremony. The one's who would not take part in it, would receive severe punishment.

As soon as Ragyo's guard would have been down, Satsuki would strike down Ragyo, when she would have least expect it.

The plan was soon set in motion, as all the VIP's entered the stadium, alongside them, were Ragyo Kiryuin, Nui Harime and Ragyo's assistant, Rei Hoomaru.

Ryuko, Mako, Tsumugu and Aikuro at the same time, all were on their way to Honnōji Academy, which was now remade into a stadium.

Ragyo Kiryuin, alongside Nui Harime and Rei Hoomaru, soon stood right in front of Y/N and Satsuki, who were standing side by side, Elite Four was right behind them.

"So, i finally get a chance to see you in the flesh, Black Swordsman. I've been craving to meet you for quite a while, you see." Ragyo Kiryuin spoke up, while smirking right at Y/N.

"Perhaps later, after this whole ceremony, we could get a moment to talk in... Private.~" Ragyo Kiryuin spoke up once more, while seductively licking her lower lip, and looking right at Y/N.

Y/N, remained completely unfazed by that proposal, he kept his cool with ease.

Satsuki herself on the other hand, was controlling the emotions on her face rather well, her hand however, ventured off to grab Y/N's right hand and grasp it firmly, and quite protectively.

Ragyo Kiryuin, who soon noticed that, simply laughed, right before she turned her back on Satsuki and Y/N.

"Now, let The Great Culture and Sport Festival officially... Begin!" Ragyo Kiryuin announced to the whole crowd gathered in the area.

Soon afterwards, multiple fireworks were fired off into the sky, many serpentines, were now flying in the air.

As that was happening, Nui and Y/N gaze met.

The two stared each other down, Y/N eyes, were cold as an ice, while Nui's eyes were cheerful, full of life and happiness.

Y/N gritted his teeth, as he now glared right at Nui Harime, who simply smirked right at him in return.

Reassuring hand of Satsuki, the one that wasn't holding Y/N's hand, soon ventured off to gently grab Y/N cheek and pull him down towards her.

Soon afterwards, Y/N and Satsuki lips met in contact.

The two kissed for a short while passionately, until both pulled away from each other.

Nui, observed the whole scene, with anger and some jealousy building up inside her.

Right before Satsuki pulled away from Y/N completely, she leaned over to his ear, only to whisper into it.

"Soon my love, soon." Satsuki whispered shortly, only to then pull away and once more stand by Y/N's side, while holding hands with him.

That action, caused Y/N to smile slightly, and then turn his gaze to look at all them fireworks and serpentines.

Nui on the other hand, gazed upon Y/N for a while longer, then she sighed and turned her head to look at Ragyo Kiryuin.

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