Chapter 23: Tight Spot (Contains Lemon)

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Y/N Pov

I slowly opened my E/C eye, only to notice Nonon laying down on top of me, on my torso to be precise.

This is not a sight that i expected to see.

She's lightly snoring with her hands placed on the sides of my exposed, covered in bandages torso, with Nonon's head resting in the middle of my chest.

I took a quick look at Nonon who's sleeping on top of me.

Nonon's wearing a skull-marked hat, a pink mixed with some elements of white sweater, shoes and red booty shorts which greatly show off Nonon's curvy ass.

As i looked down at myself, i noticed that i'm wearing nothing else aside from my black pajama pants and shoes. My artificial hand is also taken off.

I sighed softly, then i gently placed Nonon on the bed right next to me, without waking her up.

She's really light, which isn't much of a surprise considering her small size, she also seems to be a heavy sleeper.

I gotta say, again, she's really cute.

I then looked over the room that me and Nonon are inside off.

It seems like we're back in my and Ryuko house, back in our shared room.

I slowly shook my head right and left, then i moved over to the edge of the bed and took a sit.

I then slowly remembered everything that has happened since i was captured by Ragyo.

Small shiver came down my spine, once i remembered all the stuff she did to me...

I relaxed though, once i remembered how i killed her.

Don't know how, but i didn't end up killing anyone while under Ragyo's control... I don't know what i would have done if i ended up killing everyone...

No... I don't even want to think about that.

I just hope that everyone can forgive me for going out on a rampage...

I rubbed the back of my head for a second.

Then, just as i was about to stand up from bed...

I heard the bed moving slightly, once i turned back to look at Nonon, i noticed her slowly waking up.

She yawned and rubbed her pink eyes awake.

I couldn't help but smile slightly, as i noticed her panicking for a second when she noticed that she's no longer on top of me.

I cleared my throat, that quickly caused Nonon to turn to look in my direction.

I spotted a small blush on her face, as she looked right at me.

"H-Hey." Nonon spoke up first, a bit shyly from the looks of it as she shifted to sit on the bed now.

I simply nodded at her in response.

"Before you get any wrong idea, i simply did not want to sit on a chair all the time. No-Star chairs are highly uncomfortable to sit on." Nonon explained, with the blush on her face slowly increasing in size.

"I take it my chest is much more comfy for you?" I asked with a small smirk on my face.

Nonon's face heated up with one massive blush, the color of the blush on her face could now match the single left-swept red highlight on Ryuko's bangs.

"I-Idiot... How can you make me blush so much?" Nonon asked rhetorically while turning her head to look away from me.

For a moment, i smirked once more, then i sighed and look at Nonon with a serious expression on my face.

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