Chapter 11

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My mother got up. Her eyes were so red, and puffy. She was still crying.  This was the first time I ever saw my mother cry.

I expected her to started screaming and hitting me.  She was too weak.

All she said was "Where, Kenya, where were you?"

All eyes on me and James.  I was safe,  I had a chance to tell everybody everything that happened to me. I was protected.  But I didn't. At his house, I gave him my word. I was not going to go back on  it.

"We had to drop Jason, the boy I was tutoring, off at home, he lived all the way in the country, after we dropped him off, James car broke down, we had no phone to call anybody. "

They wasn't buying it

"What explains your black eye then?" asked my uncle Brain

Shit, I didnt even see my eye, I havent been around a mirror.

"Um, about that I got hit in the eye with a basketball during gym today."

"What have you been crying, your eyes look just like your mothers, red and puffy." Asked uncle Brian

Dammit why do he have to ask so many questions ?

"Well, me and James were stranded in the boondocks, with no phone, I was scared and worried. I was crying."

"Goodthing that nice man came and fixed my car." Said James, going along with the lie.

I could just see the pain in my mother's eyes. She was really worried about me. She didnt even say anything, she just went to her room and shut the door.

I felt so guilty. I hated lieing. One part of me just wanted to Rat him out, but nobody would believe me, and plus I gave him my word, if he let me go, we could work something out. But why am I saving him, he's the bad guy, he is the one who took advantage of me! 

"I guess we can cancel the police report." Said Lenya

"Yeah,  call them." Said uncle Brain, putting on his shoes.

James sat down on the couch.

"You might as well get back up, you're coming to live with me Boy." Said Uncle Brain

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