Chapter 19

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"Ok, but what about that idiot? " He asked.

"It's okay Jerry got him. " I said smiling.

We walked out of the yard.

"Hmm so it's not 4 yet, why are you here, not to be rude. " I said laughing.

"Well see what happened was, I got off early. Just to see you. I got to the park and I saw your sister,  Lenny I think, she told me you went home because you got sick. I wanted to go see you, and Jerry came because He needed to use the bathroom, so He used his car. " He said

I started smiling "First of all, her name is Lenya. And second thank you for protecting me, that was really sweet."

"Ahhh no problem, I heard alot of noise so I opened the door and I saw him choking you, I snapped! "

"Thank you, it's my fault though, I let it get this far, the first time He kissed me or flirted with me, I should have told. "

"No it's not your fault Kenya, don't ever think that. That dude is sick and He deserve to bleed and suffer. "

"Yeah, Jason, I really like you. "

"I like you too Kenya."

"That girl that was in the living room, she vanished. That was the girl that He was having sex with, she was my bestfriend,  I didn't know that she was fucking him, now that explains why I tried to tell her about the stuff He was doing to me,  she would always get angry and call me a liar. It all makes sense now."

"That's crazy. " said Jason.

"Yeah. I know. "

"So where are we going? "

"To the park... I have to tell my aunt Kim and my mother."

"Is He going to jail? "

"I don't know. "

"It just hurts me that a beautiful girl like you would have to go through so much stuff. "

"Well yeah, my crazy life, He said that if I tell that he's gonna kill me himself. "

He laughed. "Well you don't have to worry about that, I won't let that happen. Nobody is gonna touch my girlfriend. "

"Woooah,  girlfriend?! " I asked laughing.

"Yep, you're mine, no questions about it. "

"Well thats a intresting way of asking me out. "

"I know. " He smiled.

We arrived at the park. The first person I saw was my mother.

"Mama, I've been lieing to you, but James, James is the problem. He has been molesting me mom. He has been flirting. He basically kidnapped me. The day I went missing. He gave me the black eye!  He punched me in it. And mom, Auntie didn't kick him out, He has a home!  All the way in the woods. "

Lenya and Grandma came up to us.

"And He had a girlfriend named Keonia,  He shot her! In the stomach!  She was 7 months pregnant mommy.! "

Tears started running down my face.

"AND He doesn't have a job!  He's been selling drugs!  Every time He left when we left,  he's been going to his own house! Yesterday at the party He took my house key off the counter! Earlier I came to the house and him and Tika war in MY bed naked. Having sex!! Then I told him I was going to tell y'all everything, and then He tackled me onto the table and started choking me then He threatened to kill me. "

I stopped to take a breath.

"Then that's why Jerry and Jason came, by the way this is my boyfriend mom, but anyways they came in and they beat him up!  Now blood is all over your carpet. "

I started to cry again, I almost broke down. My mother face was blanked out. I told her alot of information and she had to process it.

"Who the heck are we talking about?!" Asked my grandma.

"James. "

"Oh my goodness. " she said and walked away.

"So where's Jerry?!" Asked Lenya.

"He's at the house getting rid of James. "

My mother was still quiet with her mouth open, but then she said,

" I'm calling the cops. "

I felt happy..

"But mom,  when the cops come, I don't want to talk to them, okay?"

She didn't say anything. She was furious..

Me and Jason went looking for my aunt Kim.We started holding hands again.  We found her at the parking lot with my grandma. I assumed that my grandma already told her what happened, so when I got close to her, I just got to the point.

"Aunt Kim,  do you think you can stay for maybe a extra day or two?" I asked her

"Kenya,  I don't know. I have a Job. I wasn't even planning on staying this long. "

"But I need you to stay aunt Kim. " I said begging her.

"And why is that? " she asked.

"Because,  I'm moving with you and Grandma to New York. " I said smiling. 

Jason let go of my hand and started frowning. 



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