Chapter 10

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(Y/N)'s POV

I walk out of the hospital to the car with the rest of the gang. Denis, Alex, and Sub already left to get some stuff. I don't exactly know what though...

Ethan is sitting in the driver's seat, Amies in the passenger's seat, and Elijah is sitting in the back with me. The drive is quiet. It feels like no time went by to get to the house.

I walk in and Elijah leads me to my room. Surprisingly, I see Alex, Denis, and Sub in there. "Sorry that we're sharing a room, Ethan took the other bedroom.", Elijah says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, it's fine! I'll get used to it.", I say, knowing that it's gonna be awkward. Then he gives me a tour of the room.

"And this is your bed." He points at the bed across from his. "Just a heads up, I've been told that I snore." I laugh. "We'll see about that."

"And we are done!", Alex claims. "You two do what you need to do to get situated." Elijah waves at them. "Ok. Bye, Alex." "Bye!" I hear the front door slam shut and I turn to Elijah.

"So, what do we have to do?", I ask.

"Place your stuff around.", he says.

"Oh, right."

We start taking things out of boxes. I'm putting clothes in my dresser and Elijah is setting up my YouTube setup.

"(Y/N), I didn't know that you made YouTube videos.", Elijah says.

I laugh. "Yeah, my YouTube channel name is (Y/C/N)."

"Oh, cool. I'll have to watch your videos sometime."


We continue to unpack until we had a pile of boxes on the floor.

"That's it.", Elijah says, wiping his forehead. I quickly glance at him.

"What time is it?", I ask.

He pulls out his phone. "9:45 PM. Let's go downstairs, eat something, and come back up here."

I nod my head as I follow him downstairs to see Ethan and Amie sitting on the couch. We quietly walk to the kitchen and open the fridge.

"What do you want?", Elijah whispers.

"You pick something.", I whisper back.

Elijah takes some cake out of the fridge, grabs two forks and a couple napkins, and then we quietly walk back upstairs.

We walk into our room and sit down on Elijah's bed.

Elijah takes a scoop of the cake. "Hey (Y/N)?"

I take a bite. "Yeah?", I say with my mouth full.

"How often do you post videos?" He takes a bite.

"Well, I record a video or two 2 days before I post the actual video." I take another bite. "Then the next day, I edit that video. Then the day after that, I post the video."

"Complicated," He shoves a big piece in his mouth. "but easy."

I giggle and shove another bite in my mouth. "How often do you post videos?"

Elijah takes a fraction of the cake but stops. "Same as you." Then he puts it in his mouth.

I jam another part of the cake into my mouth. "Cool."

"Oh, you got a little bit on you."

"Huh? Where?"

Then Elijah takes a napkin and wipes my cheek. "There. Now it's gone." I blush a little. "Thanks."

Elijah goes to get another bite but then realizes that there's no cake left. I laugh a little.

He pulls out his phone. "I think we should go to bed."

"Yeah, it's getting late."

I walk to the bathroom and change into a panda PJ shirt with matching shorts. I walk back to the room to find Elijah in a navy blue 'Take it Easy' shirt and PJ pants. "Promoting your merch, huh?" I smirk. "N-No. I j-just picked up a random s-shirt.", he stutters. I smile. "Nice try."

I get settled in my bed. "Goodnight Elijah." I lay down in my bed and fall into a deep sleep...

Elijah's POV

I see (Y/N) lay down in her bed. "Goodnight (Y-" I look over at (Y/N) to see her sleeping.

She looks so cute when she sleeps. Elijah, she's your sister. Well, she's your 'sister'. But still, stop crushing on your 'sister'. Alex probably wouldn't approve.

I lay down in my bed, staring at the ceiling. As I fall asleep, I hear the voices of Ethan and Amie outside our door. I hear them saying something, but I don't know what. Besides, I'm already dreaming about cake. Yum.

Ethan's POV

We finish watching the movie and walk upstairs to our room. "Hey Amie?"

She looks over at me. "Yeah?"

I rub the back of my neck. "How long do you think we can keep this act up?"

"Well, Elijah was the one who volunteered. So if he wants to tell her, he can."

"Oh, right."

We walk to our room and Amie walks into the bathroom to get changed. I change into a blue shirt and PJ pants. Then I see Amie walk back into the room with a t-shirt and PJ shorts. We get settled into our bed and Amie falls asleep. I lay awake, thinking about (Y/N).

What is she gonna do tomorrow? How long until Elijah tells her? Why did Elijah volunteer?

I lay on the bed, and stare at the ceiling. I check my phone.

10:30 PM.

I fall asleep with questions of tomorrow flooding my head.

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