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"Thank you! Have a good day!" Jungkook said cheerfully with his signature smile. Ever since Jungkook opened Nénuphare a year ago, it had grown in popularity. People all around Seoul would go not only for the beautiful plants but for Jungkook's medicinal products. The most popular one was a small bag with a mix of flower petals and leaves that people put under their pillow to sleep better. It worked like a charm and Jungkook had a lot of regular customers with insomnia who always came by to thank him. He even had one mysterious customer give him a gift. He'd never seen this customer but he knows his name is Suga. He always had somebody else pick up his order for him and he once gave Jungkook these tasty chocolate treats from France. Jungkook didn't want to accept the gift since they looked so expensive but in the end, he had no choice but to accept them. As a thank you, Jungkook gave Suga's next order for free.

Jungkook was happy and he felt as though he could spend the rest of his life working in Nénuphare, but he didn't forget his duty. Throughout the year, Jungkook disguised himself and went to hospitals or orphanages and healed random people. He was never caught but some people have spotted him. When people heard that there was a strange person going around healing people, they immediately started talking about it. It had been 10 years since a healer was last seen so people were curious. They even gave him a nickname: Lady.

When Jungkook first found out that he was named Lady, he was shocked. Apparently, a nurse saw his silhouette at the hospital and because of his soft curves and long hair, she thought he was a girl. It didn't take long for the hero organization to get involved as well. They put posters all around Seoul asking for Lady to come and reveal their identity and join them. Many people tried to act as though they were Lady, but it was soon revealed that the true healer was not found.

Jungkook wanted to keep his identity a secret, but he knew that he couldn't just heal people secretly. He was a healer and it was his destiny to save people. That's why he planned to call the hero organization and reveal his identity.


It's okay Jungkook. You can do this! Jungkook thought to himself as he took a deep breath in. He walked up to the receptionist of the main building for the hero organization.

"H-Hello," Jungkook softly said as he fiddled with his yellow sweater.

"Hello. Can I help you?" The woman said with a gentle smile. Jungkook looked at her face and noticed a tiny heart mark next to her left eye, empath.

"Yes... umm... I'm... this is going to sound weird but, I'm... lady"

"Excuse me?" The woman looked confused.

"I-I'm L-lady" Jungkook couldn't even look at the woman in the eyes anymore. He was so embarrassed and his cheeks burned red.

"Okay. Please wait here. I'll get somebody to come to pick you up." She said kindly and he went to sit down where she pointed. Jungkook waited impatiently for 10 minutes when a man came up to him.

"You are Lady?" He asked with a blank face. Jungkook merely nodded nervously as an answer. "Follow me"

Jungkook followed the man to a room with a large desk. The man told him to sit down and Jungkook hesitantly followed his order. The man didn't say anything else and Jungkook was too nervous to ask anything. They waited for a while when the door opened. Jungkook's jaw dropped when he saw who came into the room. Swift! Angel! OMG AVATAR!

They all sat down in front of Jungkook and stared at him. Jungkook couldn't stop his heart from racing as he stared in awe at the famous heroes in front of him. He didn't even notice the man who brought him here leaving and closing the door behind him.

"So you're Lady?"Angel said with a raised brow.


"Prove it." Jungkook looked at all the heroes' faces and saw that they were all dead serious.

"O-okay." Jungkook already knew that they would expect him to prove it so he brought out the knife he had in his pocket and he slit his right arm's wrist. All of the heroes gasped in shock and looked at Jungkook as though he was crazy. Their stares quickly changed to awe when they saw him cover his wound with his left hand and it started glowing gold.

After the wrist was healed, he showed it and stayed silent. The heroes looked at it and suddenly Avatar took his knife and stabbed himself in the gut.

"HOLY SHIT!" Swift screamed.

"AVATAR WHAT THE FUCK" Angel hurriedly cut off a piece of cloth from his shirt.

Avatar didn't react to their screams and looked straight into Jungkook's eyes.

"Heal me."

Jungkook quickly nodded and jumped over the table to put his hand on his wound. He quickly pulled out the knife which made Avatar grunt and then healed it quickly. Gold shined and the others let out a sigh of relief.

"Well Lady, you've got some explaining to do," Avatar said after a few minutes of silence as he looked Jungkook up and down. 


Hello babes! How was your week?

Thank you for all the comments! You guys are so sweet and seeing your comments always motivates me to do better.

Who do you think are Avatar, Swift, and Angel? 

I hope you have an amazing week!! Love you (>//ᵕ//<)


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