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"Hello! Nénuphare on the phone! How can I help you?" Jungkook cheerfully said on the phone. It had been 3 days since the mission and he had not heard from the heroes other than receiving a box of ribbons with a note saying: 'Thank you for helping us during the mission! New ribbons since yours got dirty - Hoseok.'

"Jungkook." Jungkook's back straightened at Yoongi's voice and he felt his forehead creased in a frown.


"Hello, Jungkook. Sorry to bother you but we were wondering if you could come to the hero organization." His voice was strained and Jungkook could hear the anger in his voice. Is he mad at me?

"Ummm I'm currently occupied. Would it be possible for me to come in an hour?" Jungkook asked in a concerned tone. It was 4 pm and the store closed at 5 pm.

"Of course." His strained voice agreed. Jungkook could almost hear his teeth grinding.

"O-okay? See you in a bit?" Jungkook finished cautiously. He put the phone down and hang up after quickly saying goodbye to Yoongi. One hour to go...


Jungkook closed the store 15 minutes early and went into his car. He didn't want to make the superheroes wait any longer so he only took off his apron and left in his work clothes. Today he let his hair down and had a cute pin in the front to keep his hair out of his face. He wore a cute pink sweater that was too big on him, showing off his collarbones. And he had white leggings on.

When he arrived at the hero organization, he knew that something was odd since the receptionist, who was an empath, was downing medication and massaging her temples.

"Please calm them down. Their emotions are giving me a headache." She pleaded once she spotted him. Jungkook nodded, still confused, and gently grabbed her hands and sent out a numbing sensation that would temporarily cure the pain. She smiled in relief and happiness as she stared at him in awe.

"Thank you..." She whispered and Jungkook only smiled in response.

He made his way to the room from the first day and knocked shyly. Immediately, the door swung open to show an aggravated Hoseok. Jungkook gulped and looked behind Hoseok to see something that made him flinch in surprise.

"Hey there, little one," Mask smirked as he leaned on the wall, his arms crossed.

"H-hello." Jungkook stuttered as he took in Taint's pissed composure and Demon's unfazed aura. They were leaning against the same wall as Mask. On the opposite wall, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin were standing. The three looked incredibly annoyed and mad.

"Let's sit down." Demon calmly proposed as he went to sit down on one of the chairs. They sat on opposite sides with Jungkook sitting to Jimin's left and Yoongi's right. He was facing Demon who had Taint sitting at his right (facing Yoongi) and Mask sitting at his left (facing Jimin). Hoseok was on Yoongi's other side.

They all sat in silence, everybody waiting for somebody to talk. From the corner of his eye, Jungkook could see Mask raising his eyebrow at Jimin who clenched his jaw in response.

"Are you going to speak?!" Jimin snapped. "You come here demanding to see Lady. Well, here he is. So speak." His hands were tightly squeezed into fists on the table and Jungkook softly grabbed his left hand. He brushed his thumb over his knuckles in a calming way and gave him a small smile. Jimin visibly relaxed and smiled back. Jimin looked back to Mask to give him a smirk which made the other scowl.

"We want to talk to him privatel-" Before Demon could even finish his sentence, Hoseok stood up.

"Heck no! We aren't leaving him alone with you." He spat at Demon who didn't even react. He only stared into Jungkook's eyes, waiting for his answer.

"I would prefer if they stayed," Jungkook whispered, his cheeks turned pink at the confession. He was rewarded with Yoongi grabbing his hand under the table and squeezing it.

"If that's what you wish." Demon agreed and looked at Taint who nodded. "We would like your help bringing down Kim Jae-Seong, an illusionist who is trafficking young girls."

Jungkook's eyes opened wide in shock and he could hear Jimin flinching.

"I-I..." Jungkook didn't know what to answer. He only recently revealed himself and this seemed way out of his zone. He looked to Yoongi for help who gave him a crooked smile before looking at Demon with a blank face.

"Too late. We're already working on the Kim Jae-Seong case and Lady will be with us."

"I am?" Jungkook asked, surprised.

"You are," Jimin answered as he put his arm around his shoulders.

"Lady would be better off working with us, considering we actually bring people down." Mask retorted as he manipulated darkness to pull Jimin's arm off of Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook just watched as all of them started getting mad at each other. Their faces turning red. Except for Demon who was trying to keep his cool but one of the veins in his forehead was popping out, showing just how aggravated he was.

He didn't know what to do and it was only when he heard the faint yelp of the receptionist outside that he decided to act.

"Stop!" He ordered, making all of them quiet down immediately and look at Jungkook. "What if we work altogether? All of you are amazingly powerful and smart. If we all teamed up, we could bring down this guy faster!" Jungkook could see that they were still hesitant so he brought out the big guns. He tilted his head down and looked up from under his eyelashes. He puffed out his cheeks and pouted his lips a bit. He opened his eyes wide and made direct eye contact with each of them.

They were silent for a little bit until they all started nodding their heads in agreement making Jungkook beam in happiness. Demon looked in Jungkook's eyes and he knew that he was checking his mind to see if there was anything suspicious. He held his stare and after a few minutes was graced with Demon's dimple smile and a nod.

"Perfect! Now I need to go back to the store but I don't have work tomorrow so we can meet up and start planing." Jungkook was so tired and so overwhelmed that he didn't even think about what he was saying. He also couldn't see the six men gazing at him with fond looks.

"Oh also," Jungkook stopped as he opened the door to leave and glared at all of them, "Apologize to the receptionist because you guys have been giving her the worst headache and she doesn't deserve that."

"Bossy~" Taint marveled with a smirk. "Well, I guess we'll see you tomorrow." He declared as Mask, Demon and he made their way out to leave.

"Don't miss me too much." Mask taunted as he blew Jimin a kiss. The light controller growled in response and had to be held back by Yoongi.

"I'm going to kill him."

"Do it after we finish this mission." Yoongi massaged his temples and he looked at the door with a frown. "Hopefully it goes smoothly."


Hey Babes!

How are you liking the story?

The story is still in the building phase but I've already planned out the whole story. I can't wait for you guys to see all that's coming.

I hope you have an amazing week! Love you~


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