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Ow~ Jungkook thought as he started to wake up. His head was killing him and he immediately started to heal himself. He tried to open his eyes but couldn't see anything due to the bright lights. Concussion... need 5 minutes...

Five minutes passed and Jungkook was finally able to relax. He slowly opened his eyes and took in the foreign surroundings. Where am I? Slowly his latest memories surfaced and he remembered the feeling of getting hit. Jungkook tried moving his arms but only now noticed that he was tied up.

He was sitting with his arms and legs tied on a burgundy couch that matched the rest of the room's fancy decor. It seemed as he was in some sort of sitting area in a big, fancy house.

"Finally, you're awake," Jungkook tried to look towards the area of the voice but couldn't turn that much. He tensed as he heard the slow steps of whoever was there with him. Finally, he was able to catch a glimpse of the man.

"Jae-Seong?" Jungkook asked bewildered as the other sat down comfortably on the couch in front of him.

"The one and only," Jae-Seong smirked as his eyes roamed up and down Jungkook's body making the healer shiver in disgust. "You're a healer." He stated.

Jungkook hesitantly nodded, trying to figure out whether the illusionist was going to hurt him or not.

"I haven't seen a healer is a long time. Where were you hidden?" Jae-Seong leaned forwards as he looked into Jungkook's eyes to try and coax him to speak. However, Jungkook didn't answer and after a few seconds, Jae-Seong sighed in disappointment.

"You know, you remind me of my mother." He stood up and walked towards Jungkook, "she was also a healer." Jae-Seong softly touched Jungkook's cheek, his eyes filled with an emotion that made Jungkook want to puke. "She was beautiful. The kindest person to ever live. But you know what happened?" He grabbed Jungkook's chin to lift his head and went so close to him that their lips grazed. "She was murdered." He sneered, his hold on Jungkook's chin tightening until Jungkook gasped in pain. After letting out the noise, Jae-Seong realized how tight his grip was and let go, softly caressing his hair as an apology.

"She was murdered in the attack by the government. The useless government that didn't try hard enough. They took healers for granted and look at the world now." He finally stopped caressing Jungkook and walked back to his seat. "Now the world is in shambles. Illnesses that used to be easily treated, now cause death and spread like wildfire. Things need to change. The people need to be saved." Jae-Seong stated as he talked casually.

"Then why are you trafficking young people?" Jungkook asked. He tried to stay quiet but this was all so absurd to him. How can he talk about wanting to help people when he is the cause for so much pain and suffering??

"I needed to gain respect in the underground. Sadly there had to some collateral damage, a few sacrifices." Jae-Seong's eyes were cold as he said this, no sort of remorse or emotion in his voice making Jungkook start to tear up. A monster....

"Are you crying?" Jae-Seong worriedly asked, "Please don't cry." For the first time, Jae-Seong showed emotions and Jungkook was suddenly even more afraid. The illusionist quickly went to him and grabbed him, softly holding him as though he was some precious treasure. "I know it's scary. The world has fallen and we need somebody to bring it back to where it used to be. I've decided to sacrifice my life for this cause."

Jae-Seong's presence and touch seemed to taint him, showing him the ugliness that the world is capable of having. Jungkook started to breath faster and faster, his heart was racing and he wanted to vomit. This all felt like some sick dream. This person cannot be real, he cannot actually think that he is doing good??!!

"And for years, I was so lonely, so sad but I knew that my own distress needed to be ignored as the good of the people is more important. However, as a healer, you must feel connected to the people, you must want to help them. So if you would like, you can join me in my mission to save the world." Jae-Seong sighed happily as he kissed one of the tears that Jungkook didn't manage to hold back. "You are so beautiful..."

The illusionist slowly got closer and close to Jungkook's face. Jungkook couldn't breath. All of this was so overwhelming. He felt sick to the stomach and for the first time, he couldn't heal himself. This sickness, this feeling was vile and deadly.

Just as he was about to kiss Jungkook, the room started to shake. Jae-Seong stood up immediately and put himself in front of Jungkook as though he was trying to protect him.

"Oh, it's only you." Jae-Seong said in a bored tone and Jungkook wished that he could look around so badly. The illusionist went back to Jungkook and gently kissed his forehead, ignoring Jungkook's wide eyes filled with fear. "I'm sorry my Sweet but our time has to be cut short."

"Don't touch him!" growled Jimin, making Jungkook tear up in relief at the beautiful sound of his voice. Suddenly, Jungkook felt himself being picked up and next thing he knew, he was beside all of the boys. Hoseok was holding him, glaring at the illusionist who had a horrible smirk on his face.

"No need to be hostile," Jae-Seong chuckled. The other sneered at him and immediately started walking away.

"BUT I should warn you," Jae-Seong declared with dark eyes as he looked at Jungkook with a smirk, "he will be MINE."


Jungkook closed his eyes and squeezed Hoseok tightly as he tried to forget the feeling of that vile man touching him. Finally, after what felt like forever, they arrived at Jungkook's shop and Hoseok softly put him down.

"Please don't let go of me!!!" Jungkook screamed desperately when Hoseok put him down. His heart was still beating so fast and he felt so gross, so disgusted. Immediately, the others hugged him tight. They watched their healer shiver and gag and felt the familiar feeling of anger rise again.

They held him until he finally fell asleep and then went up the stairs to tuck him in bed. They didn't need to say anything, they all knew what they needed to do. They looked around the floor to look for spare blankets and pillows and set up a bed on the floor for them. One by one they laid down and tried to fall asleep, but the picture of their sweet Jungkook crying and shaking couldn't seem to leave their minds.

"I'm going to kill him," Namjoon softly whispered in the darkness. The raw honesty in his voice made the other boys shiver. Suddenly, the room felt so much colder and Namjoon's aura and power filled the room. Yoongi had never been scared of Namjoon but in that moment, he truly understood why he was called Demon.

This isn't over Jae-Seong. I'll teach you what happens when you hurt what's OURS, Yoongi fiercely thought as he was finally able to fall asleep, the soft sounds of Jungkook snoring lulling him to sleep.

Hey Babes! How was your week?
What do you guys think of Jae-Seong?
He's slightly hypocritical if you ask me hehe
Next chapter will be all fluff but after that, questions will be answered....

I hope you guys have an amazing week and that you have an amazing New Years! Love you so much and thank you all for the support!!

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