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Before Jungkook could explain himself, Angel ordered that they all take a pause. Probably wants to make sure he is truly okay, Jungkook thought as he watched Angel pull Avatar out of the room while Swift lectured him about not stabbing himself.

"Since when is stabbing yourself a good idea?!!!! You absolute BUFFOON!" Swift yelled as he made dramatic gestures with his hands.

Once they finally left the room, Jungkook collapsed on the desk. He leaned his forehead on the cool object as his heart raced. While he was confident in his ability, it never ceased to stress him out. He didn't hit any major arteries and he didn't stab himself fast enough to pierce the bowel. There is a chance that he could bleed out but he would have more of a chance to die from infection after a few days. Other ways he could have been healed would be using...

Jungkook's thoughts were neverending as he thought of all the different possibilities he could have healed Avatar. This never-ending and disturbing process is one his mentor taught him so that he never forgot any part of his training.

Finally, the three superheroes came back to the room and successfully broke Jungkook out of his thinking when Swift slammed the door open. He sat down with a pout and continued to glare at Avatar who looked completely unbothered. Avatar and Angel sat down and they all stared at Jungkook, without saying anything.

"So why Lady?" Angel asked out of the blue, his expression was curious but he immediately started panicking after speaking, "Not in a bad way!! I don't hate it or anything and I fully support!! Please don't take it the wrong way I was just curious but sometimes I forget my filter and I don't want to hurt your feeling I was ju-"

"I think he gets it." Swift snickered as he laughed at Angel's panicked expression. Angel quickly glared at Swift and before he turned his attention back to Jungkook.

"Uhh, I actually didn't choose the name. I-I've been healing people for a while and some nurse from a hospital saw me and thought that I was..umm. female? And the next thing I knew, that's what people were calling me." Jungkook felt extremely embarrassed and by the end of his explanation, his whole face was pink. He turned red, however, when Swift and Angel started cooing at his face and Avatar looked at him with a smirk.

"Wait. I thought healers disappeared?" Swift suddenly asked after admiring Jungkook's red face for a few seconds. This question brought Avatar and Angel to the edge of their seats, all of them were curious about Jungkook's origins.

"They did. Well, not completely I guess. My mentor and I were the only ones who survived." Jungkook started squirming in his chair. The topic was obviously uncomfortable for him which is why Avatar stopped Swift from asking a follow-up question.

"You don't need to tell us just yet," Avatar assured him and Jungkook couldn't help but sigh out in relief. "We should probably introduce ourselves. I am Min Yoongi, also known as Avatar. Next to me is Park Jimin," He said pointing at Angel, "and this is Jung Hoseok." He pointed to Swift.

"You actually came at the perfect time. I know this is a bit early but we have a mission tomorrow night and we would like you to come with us." Avatar proposed as he brought out a file from under the table. Where did that file come from?... Wait WHAT!

"W-wait. You want me to come to a mission with you. Tomorrow. Me? Somebody you just met?" Jungkook looked at them with a skeptical stare which made Angel/Jimin chuckle.

"Yep! Well if you are interested." He said cheerfully while extending the file his way. Jungkook looked into Jimin's eyes to see if there were any traces of dishonesty but at the end, couldn't hold his stare without blushing at the superhero's beauty. Instead, he hesitantly took the file and went through it.


"Yes, Demon. He is a... confusing person." Yoongi hesitantly answered.

"How so?" Yoongi looked to Hoseok, signaling for him to answer.

"Well, he's part of a three people group. There's Demon, a mind reader with an IQ to rival Einstein. Taint, he can control the four elements and has a talent in taunting his enemies. And Mask, he can control darkness and is known to have no limits."

Jimin hissed when he heard the name of the last individual making Jungkook tilt his head in question. Hoseok chuckled at the cute gesture.

"Jimin doesn't like Mask because they have opposite powers. Jimin can control light so when they meet, they always end up having a battle." Hoseok generously explained as Jungkook became even more curious. I wonder what kind of wounds darkness causes. I'll need to do some research.

"The group is basically superhero wannabes," Jimin said bitterly as he scowled at the thought of them. "Their 'thing' is that they bring justice. They don't have bad intentions, but instead, they provide justice in illegal ways."

"So they're bad good guys?" Jungkook scrunched his nose at the confusing thought and missed the fond look the three superheroes gave him.

"Basically, yeah," Yoongi confirmed. "We have been alerted that the group in planning on breaking into an NW building to steal an importing hard drive. Their goal is to expose Lee Byung-hun, a corrupt politician who traffics young girls."

"Then why are we stopping them?" Jungkook became even more confused, aren't the superheroes suppose to expose the bad guys?

"We are stopping them because by collecting this information, they have hurt people. And even if those people are bad, we are as bad as them if we use the same aggressive and cruel manners against them." Jimin explained. Makes sense I guess...

"So are you in?" Yoongi asked, his stare fierce. Jungkook's heart stuttered at the expression and could barely manage to nod in response.

"Perfect! Meet us at 14 XXX Road tomorrow at 5:00." Hoseok said with a bright smile. OH my god, with that blinding smile you would think that he was the one who can control light.


When Jungkook got home, he watered all his plants and prepared all the orders for tomorrow. He tried to distract himself by organizing the store but his thoughts were running wild. I guess life isn't as black and white as the media portrays it to be, Jungkook mused as he thought of Demon, Mask, and Taint.

When he finally went to bed, his mind swirled with different thoughts.

Are Demon, Mask, and Taint really bad guys?

How is Swift so hot?

How can Angel be so cute (and why did I like it when he was mad)?

Why did Avatar's stare make me shiver, and not in a bad way?

Needless to say, one thing could be said for sure: my life isn't going to be boring anymore...

With that thought in mind, he went to bed and for the first time in a long time, his slumber wasn't full of fire and guilt, but instead of a blinding heart smile, a cute gummy smile, and an infectious eye smile.


Hello Babes! How was your week?

Congratulations to @adorablekooks for figuring out who Avatar, Swift, and Angel are!

Who do you think Demon, Mask, and Taint are? (Though I feel as though I made Demon pretty obvious lol)

I hope you have an amazing week! Love youuuuuu


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