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After crawling and looking around for a few minutes, Jungkook finally found what he was looking for. In the midst of all the destruction, Demon and Taint had Mask laid on the floor and they had taken a piece of cloth from Demon's shirt to try and cover the stomach wound he had from Angel's light whip. He also seemed to have a new wound caused by a broken piece of glass that was lodged in his right thigh. The two others looked relatively good with slight scratches and bruises but nothing that seemed deadly.

Jungkook made noise as he hurriedly went to them which made them whip their heads towards him. They all looked at him with weariness, their posture clearly showing that they were ready to fight as he crawled towards them.

"I don't want to hurt you." Jungkook put his hands up and tried to make his honesty shine through his eyes. "I just want to help." Taint looked furious and opened his mouth but quickly closed it when Mask moaned out in pain.

"Fine. But if you hurt him we won't hesitate to kill you." Taint growled. Holy fluff they're scary. 

Jungkook nodded and went close to Mask. He could feel Taint's burning gaze and Demon's inquiring gaze as he tried to analyze the wounds Mask had. Jungkook closed his eyes and put his hands under Mask's shirt to touch his skin. He faintly heard Taint's shocked gasp and opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was Mask's dark eyes looking at him with a guarded gaze.

Jungkook's breath caught at the intense gaze and he moved back a bit. Mask's stare didn't waver and Jungkook was terrified. Am I going to die?

"Why?" Mask asked with his delicious low voice.

"W-why what?" Jungkook croaked out as he tucked a stray piece of hair behind his ear.

"Why help me?" Mask's eyes trailed Jungkook's fingers as he touched his hair and Jungkook would have blushed if the question didn't strike a chord in him. His voice was incredibly serious and his gaze was hard when he answered.

"I am a healer. I'm not God. I don't choose who gets to be healed and who doesn't. I heal. That's my duty."

He turned around and crawled back towards the entrance. He stopped right before he went out of their sight and looked back at them with a cheeky smile.

"Thank you by the way." He lifted his hand to show the USB key that he took from Mask's pocket when he was healing him. He crawled away and the trio didn't even try to stop him. They stared in shock and awe at the cute healer.

"I like him." Mask declared as Demon chuckled.


Jungkook reunited with the others and they hurriedly went out of the building. They drove to the hero association building and quietly went into a room.

"'Our goal is to do the least damage as possible'" Jimin jeered as he imitated Yoongi. "What the hell is your problem?! You almost killed all of us!" Jimin was fuming as Yoongi sat down, his face blank.

"It's my fault. I might've taken the wrong explosive." Hoseok winced as he talked, his tone expressing his regret.

"It's okay. At least nobody got hurt." Jungkook reassured as he tried to calm down everybody. Jimin sat down angrily as he pouted.

"This mission was still a failure. They have the USB key." Yoongi bitterly uttered. He had his arms crossed and he was glaring at the table.

"That's not true. The USB is here." Jungkook innocently declared as he showed the USB key in his hand. Jungkook, who drove to the hero association in his own car, totally forgot to tell them.

"H-how?" Jimin asked in shock as Yoongi took the USB key and analyzed it.

"I went to see if they were okay and when I was healing Mask, I felt the USB key in his pocket and took it," Jungkook revealed this as though it was nothing, but the others felt their moods darken at the thought of Jungkook touching another.

They didn't question why he healed Mask, they had studied healers and knew it was in their code that they must heal everybody, no matter who they are and what they have done.

"Don't do that," Jimin ordered as he stalked towards Jungkook and put his arms around his waist.

"D-do what?" Jungkook stammered as he took in Jimin's close features.

"Don't touch him or let him touch you," Jimin answered. He pulled Jungkook's body close to his and hugged him. Jungkook, who was extremely confused, didn't know what to answer.

After a few seconds, Jimin kissed his forehead and whispered a thank you. He let go of Jungkook and walked out. Hoseok followed after Jimin but not before he took Jungkook's hand and lightly kissed it with a wink.

Jungkook stood there, eyes wide in shock as Yoongi walked towards him.

"Thank you for everything tonight. I don't know what we would have done without you. Get some rest, okay?" Jungkook nodded and Yoongi gave him his rare gummy smile and squeezed his shoulder in a comforting manner as he walked past him.

Jungkook stayed there for a few minutes before he went to his car and drove home. He went into his shower and washed off all the dust and grime from the mission. He robotically got ready for bed and sighed in relief when he laid on his bed.

What just happened? At this sudden thought, Jungkook started laughing lightly. Oh, bubbles... Somebody wish me luck...


Hey Babes!

Fun fact: it's this scene that I imagined in my head that inspired this whole story. There's something about cheeky/sassy Kookie that I absolutely adore!!

Let me know what you think of this chapter!!

I hope you have an amazing week! Love you~


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