V. Turn the Page

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[A Little Slice of Kevin]

Dean was driving, eating potato chips. Holly was sitting passenger, occasionally stealing his chips.

They passed a man in a trench coat walking down the road.

Dean overtook the man and Holly cried, "Stop!"

Dean turned to see what Holly was yelling about and saw Cas and braked. He looked in the rearview mirror while Holly looked behind her, Cas reversed down the road. He left the car running on the road next to a sign for the Twin Pines Resort as he and Holly got out and looked around. They saw no sign of Cas.

Holly frowned. "We're crazy, right? Or are we not? I don't know."

Dean met her eyes. "I have no idea. Maybe we're just seeing things."

They reached the cabin and Sam was using his laptop and drinking a beer. Nate had a beer and was reading a newspaper.

"Hey." Sam and Nate said.

"Hey." Dean and Holly replied, standing in the middle of the room, Dean holding a six-pack and a paper bag.

Sam looked between his siblings. "You two look like you've s--well, I was gonna say, "You two look like you've seen a ghost", but you two'd probably be stoked. Uh, you two okay?"

Dean and Holly exchanged an uncertain look before he said in an uncertain tone, "Yeah, we're cool. What's up?"

"Well, this kid went missing from a preschool." Nate said, looking up.

"That sucks. And?"

Nate and Sam exchanged a look before Sam said, "And at the same time he vanished, a surprise tornado hit, last maybe 20 seconds, then, uh...shazam! Back to perfect weather."

"Hmm. And they pooh-pooh climate change."

Sam chuckled. "Yeah."

Dean put the beer into the fridge as Sam continued, "Well, similar wackiness has happened  over the past few weeks in other places--uh, Tulsa, a bus driver vanishes and a river gets overrun with frogs. New Mexico--a mailman disappears, the earth splits open."

"Okay. So, um, you guys are thinkin' demons?" Holly asked as she and Dean stood up and walked over to Sam and looked at the laptop.

"Yeah, possibly, but...I mean, this stuff was major." The laptop showed articles about missing persons. "These folks have nothing in common--no religious affiliations, different hometowns, all ages. Why would demons want them?"

"Why do demons want anything?" Dean asked as he slapped Sam lightly on the shoulder, Holly poking him. "Uh, so, we in on this?"

Nate grinned. "Duh."


Kevin entered and water poured down on him from above, breaking a salt line. "Mom! You've got to stop drowning me in holy water every time I go out!"

Mrs. Tran stood up from behind the bar, holding a cord and Kevin fixed the salt line as he cried, "I'm not possessed!"

"Not yet." Mrs. Tran replied. "Not now. They got to me, remember?"

"We've got hex bags that make us invisible to demons. We've got demon traps painted everywhere! I've got a sigil tattooed on my arm! If we keep moving, we'll be fine!" He placed a plastic bag down on the counter.

"What, and keep living in rat-infested hovels and running from cursed creatures? This is no life!"

"It's my life. I'm the one dragging the prophet load. I'm sorry I pulled you into it."

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