LIX. If You Want Blood (You've Got It)

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[First Blood]

"Jefferson Rooney, President of these United States." Crowley introduced.

Lucifer's eyes glowed red and he laid in bed with Kelly.

"I just know you'd make an amazing father." Kelly told Lucifer.

"A nephilim has come into being. It's the offspring of an angel and a human." Cas informed.

"Lucifer." Nate realized.

Sam examined the Triwizard Tournament Screaming Egg Hyperbolic Pulse Generator loaned to them by the British Men of Letters.

"So you're gonna pop Lucifer out of the President with that?" Crowley asked.

"I hope so. Otherwise, we're all dead." Dean replied.

A Secret Service Agent held Sam, Holly, and Dean at gunpoint over the unconscious President. "You're under arrest for the attempted assassination of the President of the United States."

Sam, Holly, and Dean were shackled and put into an armored vehicle destined for points unknown.

"It's not like we're in the "live 'til you're 90, die in your sleep" business. This only ends one way." Dean said.

The door to the armored truck was slammed and locked.


Inside Mulroney's Diner in Lawrence, Kansas, Mary was sitting alone stirring her coffee when her phone rang. "Castiel?"

Outside the Plains Motel, where Sam, Holly, and Dean had been arrested, Cas and Nate were standing in the parking lot facing the building.

"Mary, where are you?" Cas asked.

"I-- I, uh... Lawrence, Kansas. Cas, what's wrong?"

"Uh, uuh... well, I-I need you to meet me and Nate at the bunker."

Cas hung up and sighed, exchanging a look with Nate before they turned from the motel and walked away.

"Six hours ago, Sam, Holly, and Dean Winchester attempted to kill the President of the United States." Rick informed.

Camp was seated at the desk studying the photos. "Huh. Do we know why?"

"They haven't said a word since we picked them up."

The armored truck drove down a country road, inside Sam, Holly, and Dean were shackled and grim.

"Quiet types. Okay. What do we know about 'em?" Camp noted.

"A lot. Brothers and sister. Born in Lawrence, Kansas to Mary Winchester, deceased, and John Winchester, also deceased. The girl is married to some guy named Nate Green. He took her name. FBI started investigating them back in 2007." Rick replied.

"For what?"

"Assault, murder, multiple counts of desecrating a corpse."

"The same corpse?" He looked disturbed, but insistent when Rick didn't answer immediately.

"No. Different corpses."

The armored truck arriving at a prison facility, with military guards manning the heavy iron gates.

"They made the FBI's most wanted in 2011, then died in a shootout with police in Ankeny, Iowa. At least, that's what their file said; but apparently not."

"Apparently. What about the girl?"

Kelly was riding in the back of a taxi.

"Kelly Kline. And she's a presidential aide, but no one's seen her since that day. We don't know where she went or if she's still alive."

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