LXXIII. The Big Empty

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[The Big Empty]


Wes Bailey opened the door, got home. He moved to the kitchen and turned the light on. Suddenly, he heard a voice belonging to his wife, Erica Bailey.

"Hi." Erica greeted.

Wes was surprised, but not shocked. "No." Erica nodded. "How? You're... dead."

"I was. But..." she got closer to Wes, "aren't you gonna say hi back?"


"I missed you, Baby Bear."

Erica leaned in to kiss her husband. Instead, she stabbed him. Wes fell to the ground with a thud, dead, blood pouring everywhere. Erica left the house.


Sam entered the bunker with breakfast. "Hey. How you two feelin'?"

Dean was working on his laptop, Holly on Nate's. They looked up at Sam, but didn't reply.

Sam looked to Nate for a reply and he said, "They're good, just not in a chatty mood."

"What you two, uh, working on?" Sam asked.

"Dead guy in Madison. Police say it was a home invasion, but neighbor claims that she saw the Vic's dead wife leave the crime scene." Holly replied.

Sam came down the stairs. "Let's check it out."

"What, you ready to ditch Damien? What do you wanna do? Leave him in a ring of holy oil with some Netflix and a frozen pizza?" Dean asked.

Sam said sarcastically, "Ha. No. Actually... I thought we'd, uh, bring him along."

Holly shrugged and rested her feet on Nate's legs.

Dean scoffed. "Uh, hell, no. What, "Adventures in Babysitting" the Antichrist? No, thank you."

"Dean, we can't hide him forever. And, you know, just keeping him cooped up here isn't working." Nate reasoned. "That goes for you too, Holly, though I know you're more accepting of him."

"Yeah, it is, actually. You wanna know why? Because as long as he's here, he's not out there doing God knows what. So what, does this mean that your plan for bringing Mom back isn't working? 'Cause I'll say it again—Mom's dead, Nate. Lucifer ripped out her freakin' heart. Now, the sooner you can wrap your head around that, the sooner we can all move on."

"So you're saying you want to move on, from Mom? Holly?" Sam asked.

They siblings stared at each other before Holly said, "Right now, D and I wanna kill some dead guy's dead wife."

"Dean, Holly, that isn't what this is about. Jack needs to get out. He needs to get some air. We all do. He's a good kid. He is, just... give him a chance, please. For me and Nate."

Sam and Nate knocked on Jack's door.

"Jack?" Sam asked, opening the door. "Hey."

Jack was watching 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' on his computer.

"'Clone Wars'?" Nate questioned.

"The computer said I'd like it. I do like Ahsoka. Kinda hate Anakin." Jack replied.

"Uh... that's probably for the best. Holly kinda likes him. Never mind. Um, hey. You remember when Sam and I told you what Dean, Holly, Sam, and I do? Our, uh, our day job?"

"You kill monsters because you're the good guys."

"Right. And we've got a case, so... we thought you might want to come along."

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