XXIII. Fade to Black

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[Do You Believe in Miracles]

Sam, Cas, and Holly were holding Dean back from Gadreel, who was slumped to the floor bleeding angel grace everywhere. Dean wrangled himself from their grasp and stood to face Sam who was blocking his way to Gadreel. Cas was holding Holly back, as he was worried she'd try to go after Gadreel again.

"Drop the Blade, Dean." Sam said.

"Move." Dean ordered.

"Dean. Look at me."

"Sam! Move! Aah!"

Cas jumped Dean from the side and Sam leapt in to grab Dean's right arm while Holly tried to grab the Blade.

As Holly tried to wrestle the Blade from her brother's grasp, she cried, "Let it go! Let it go! Let it go."

She managed to get the Blade and Sam and Cas shoved Dean inside and stood between him and the door.

"The hell if you think I'm riding the pine on this one, guys." Dean told them.

"Something is wrong with you, Dean." Sam replied. "And until we figure out what, this is where you have to stay."

"And you three are gonna do what? Take on Metatron yourselves? That's smart. "Oh, no, wait. No, you--" he motioned to Cas, "you lost your angel army. And you," he motioned to Sam and Holly, "now you two are trying to lock up the one guy who has a shot at killing the son of a bitch! Hell of a plan, fellas, sis!"

In silence, Sam and Cas turned and pushed the doors shut, locking Dean in the dungeon and he called after them. "Look, hey, guys. Sam. Holly. Sammy! H!"

In the main room of the bunker, Sam, Cas, and Holly put the First Blade into a box on the table.

"Sam. Holly." Cas said.

"Yeah?" Sam and Holly asked.

"Dean...wasn't wrong. My followers have abandoned us."

"Yeah, and Gadreel says he can help us." Sam replied. "From where I sit, that's more than an even trade."

Holly narrowed her eyes. "I want nothing to do with that angel."

"Holly, come on. He says he can help."

"He killed Kevin and Nate! I am not working with a murderer, Sam!"

"He's not--"

"Don't justify for him. I refuse to work with the son of a bitch!"

They looked over to where Gadreel should've been on the floor, but there was a lot of blood and no Gadreel.

Dean was still locked up in the dungeon. He was throwing up and coughing horribly. He recovered enough to walk over to a small mirror in the cabinet and saw that his mouth was covered with the blood he'd been coughing up.

Sam, Cas, and Holly had tracked Gadreel to a field outside the bunker. Holly was less than enthusiastic to be in Gadreel's presence. Gadreel was laying in the grass with his slashed chest bleeding profusely. Sam and Cas rushed to him while Holly walked over.

Gadreel snapped out of his near-unconscious state, seeing who it was. "Please. I'll leave you alone, I swear."

Cas reached out to heal him. "We're not here to hurt you. I won't let Holly hurt you."

"No. Your grace. Healing me will only weaken you."

Cas healed Gadreel, who asked, "Did you hear him?"

"Metatron." Cas noted. "Yes. Where is he going? What does he want?"

"I'm afraid...humanity."

Dean was kneeling in the bunker dungeon with a summoning spell in front of him. He lit the ingredients and Crowley instantly appeared inside the devil's trap.

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