XXXIII. The Gambler

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[Inside Man]

Sam, Cas, and Holly were sitting at a table with an older, balding gentleman with glasses. They were holding hands, and the unknown man, a psychic, was chanting. The lights flickered, the table shook, and the candles started shooting flames.

"Amate spiritus obscure, Te quaerimus. Te oramus, nobiscum colloquere, apud no circita." The psychic said.

In a living room with a recliner, many full bookshelves, and a radio playing The Gambler by Kenny Rogers, sat Bobby who took a sip of his drink.

"Bobby?" Sam and Holly's voices came through, staticy on the radio, cutting Kenny Rogers in and out. "Bobby, can you hear us?"

"Bobby, we need your help." Sam said.

"Please, Bobby."

Bobby frowned. "Sam? Holly?"


Sam was awoken by Dean screaming for him and Holly.

"Sam! Holly!"

Sam ran barefoot through the hallway just as Holly threw the door open. Dean was having a nightmare.

"No. No! No! No. No!"

Sam and Holly noticed Dean was clenching his right fist, the arm that bared the Mark.


Dean saw himself killing Lester, torturing Metatron, killing Abaddon, and revisited his fight with Cain.

"Aah!" Metatron cried.

Cain's words echoed through Dean's head in his dream. "My story began when I killed my brother, and that's where your story will inevitably end. You're going to kill your sister, too."

Dean woke up and saw Sam and Holly across the room from him, looking worried.

Sam sat at the library table on the phone, laptop open when Dean entered, drinking coffee. Holly soon appeared, running a towel through her wet hair.

"Yeah. Yeah, okay, just, um...just be there. Yeah. Gotta go." He hung up his phone and addressed Dean. "Hey. How did you sleep?"

"Like a drunk baby. What do we got."

"A fat load of nothing." Holly said.


"Unless Sam found something while I was showering, there were no weird deaths, no demon signs."

Sam glanced at her. "There's a Kitsune working some truck stops outside of Boise, but Rudy's on it, so..."

"Alright. So, uh, snow day. I say we get drunk and shoot crap."

"I'm down." Holly said.

Sam shot her a look before saying, "Yeah, except we do that every day. Actually, I was thinking about seeing a movie. Holly promised to go with me."

Holly opened her mouth to protest, but Sam shot her another quick look, shutting her up.

"Yeah, that could be cool."

"It's a French movie."

"You mean like nudie French?"

"Even better. It's about a mime that's secretly a cockroach."

"I-I don't get it. Holly looks confused as well."

"Dude, The New York Times said--"

"Who cares?"

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