XXVII. The Road So Far

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[Fan Fiction]

[Obviously this has been altered to fit Holly in. I added a song for Holly that I felt suited her. There's no particular melody to Holly's song that I've chosen. It's called My Biggest Brother. I sing it how I see fit, so feel free to do the same. Also, the scenes containing the songs are below. As is the actress who plays Natalie (Holly in the musical).]

The curtains opened to reveal a stage. A young lady reading on a sofa. The lights started flickering and spooky music started playing.

"Oh, no!" The girl cried. "Whatever could that be?"

A fake ghost fell from the ceiling and the actress screamed. "Sam" aka Maggie, "Dean" aka Siobhan, and "Holly" aka Natalie, burst through a fake door.

"Ghost?" "Dean" and "Holly" called. "Meet Winchester."

"Cut!" Marie cried. "Maggie? Siobhan? Natalie? Is this some kind of joke to you? Siobhan, this scene takes place before the events of Carver Edlund's unpublished masterpiece, 'Dark Side of the Moon'."

"So?" Siobhan asked.

"Meaning, where is the Samulet? Natalie, where's the necklace Holly wears?"

Natalie pulled the necklace from under her shirt.

"Oh!" Siobhan said, taking off her wig. "I took it off. It kept hitting me in the lips, and..."

"That amulet is a symbol of the Winchesters' brotherly love, as is the AC/DC necklace for Sam and Holly. You need to take one for the team."

"Look, I'm just here for the college credit."

Marie gasped in outrage. "How dare you!" She pushed Siobhan, who pushed her too.

"Hey, both!" Ms. Chandler yelled. The girls didn't listen. "Hey, both! Okay! I've got three weeks of this crap show, and I am done. There is too much drama in the drama department. I'm going to Principal Salazar in the morning."

"No! Do-No, no, no, no...Ms. Chandler, please!"

"It's over, Marie." Ms. Chandler said, leaving.

Marie turned around to face the actresses. "Alright, everybody, back to one! Until we are all suspended, the show must go on."

Ms. Chandler got out of the school and walked as she talked on the phone. "Why couldn't they just do Godspell like good little skanks? Instead it's this...awful, unbelievable horror story." She drank from her flask. "Hmm! Like that stuff really happens! Huh, theater is about life. You know? Truth! Truth! Where is the truth in Supernatural?"

A noise from the bushes caught her attention. She tried to see what made the noise, when suddenly, some branches grabbed her and made her disappear through the bushes. Her phone fell to the floor, at the same time as a purple flower.

Marie and Maeve looked at their title card, a neon Supernatural sign.

Marie frowned. "I mean, it's close, but it's just...It needs a little more grrrr!"


Dean and Holly were working on Baby, listening to Sundown by Gordon Lightfoot. Sam came out of their motel room.

"Hey!" Dean and Holly cried.

"Hey! How long have you two been up?"

Holly smirked. "Long enough to find us a case."

"Long enough to..." Sam paused and turned to Dean. "I take it that means you're feeling back to normal?"

"Yeah, whatever normal is in our world." Dean replied. "So, huh, right here." He took a newspaper to show it to Sam. "A teacher in an all girls school went missing in Flint, Michigan. She was heading to her car, disappeared, and nobody's seen her since."

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