XLIX. The Unforgiven III

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[Red Meat]

[We all know how much Dean cares about Sam. I thought we'd switch it up a bit.]


Inside the cabin, two bodies slammed heavily into a table, smashing it to pieces. Sam and Holly. A man stood above them, growling, baring his teeth; a werewolf. Sam and Holly aimed their guns, Holly shoved Sam out of the way, but the werewolf kicked her gun out of her hands and then tried to slam his boot on Holly's chest. Sam pulled Holly out of harm's way just in time.

Dean was engaged in his own fight. Werewolf #2 took a swing at him and Dean ducked out of the way. He lunged with a knife but Werewolf #2 grabbed his arm.

Holly narrowly avoided another attempt at a boot on her chest as Sam grabbed hold of the werewolf's foot, pushing him off balance.

Dean got a fist in his face, but followed with a punch of his own, grunting with the exertion of it. Sam went to assist Dean.

The werewolf bared his teeth again, challenging Holly to take him on. Holly had a silver blade, ready to lunge. She took her shot, but missed. They had a tense fist fight.

Dean and Sam were trading punches with Werewolf #2.

There were two people strung up, a man and a woman, their arms tied above their heads, their bodies hanging limply.

Holly kicked the werewolf in the chest. Werewolf #2 grabbed Dean and Sam around their throats, but Dean and Sam shoved him away. Werewolf #2 retaliated by barrelling Dean into a glass cabinet and Sam into a wall.

Sam, Holly, and Dean each continued trading blows with the werewolves. Holly shoved her opponent to the ground, but the werewolf bounced back up, rounding on Holly again.

Dean and Sam landed a couple of punches, slowly getting the upper hand against Werewolf #2. Holly slammed her forehead into the werewolf's head, stunning him. Dean and Sam landed heavy punches and Werewolf #2 fell to the ground. Holly stabbed at the werewolf, finally hitting the mark. The werewolf was dead.

Werewolf #2 was still on the ground, but he had grabbed Sam's dropped gun. He aimed at Holly, while Dean and Sam were distracted with picking up their knives. The gun fired before Sam, Holly, and Dean could do anything. The bullet hit Holly in the stomach. She fell to her knees, as Dean killed Werewolf #2. Sam rushed to her aid.

Dean looked back at Sam and Holly, horrified, watching their sister slide to the ground. Holly's face reflected her pain and shock, as blood oozed from the wound in her stomach.


Inside the cabin, two bodies slammed heavily into a table, smashing it to pieces. Sam and Holly. A man stood above them, growling, baring his teeth; a werewolf. Sam and Holly aimed their guns, Holly shoved Sam out of the way, but the werewolf kicked her gun out of her hands and then tried to slam his boot on Holly's chest. Sam pulled Holly out of harm's way just in time.

Dean was engaged in his own fight. Werewolf #2 took a swing at him and Dean ducked out of the way. He lunged with a knife but Werewolf #2 grabbed his arm.

Holly narrowly avoided another attempt at a boot on her chest as Sam grabbed hold of the werewolf's foot, pushing him off balance.

Dean got a fist in his face, but followed with a punch of his own, grunting with the exertion of it. Sam went to assist Dean.

The werewolf bared his teeth again, challenging Holly to take him on. Holly had a silver blade, ready to lunge. She took her shot, but missed. They had a tense fist fight.

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