XC. Let it Ride

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[Unhuman Nature]


"What's taking so long?" Dean wondered as Holly paced nervously.

"I don't know. Whatever's going on with Jack is probably complicated." Sam replied.

"Yeah, but, I mean, weird stuff happens to kids all the time. They get coughs, bloody noses. Is he okay?"

"I -- I did what I could, but I don't, I -- I don't know what's wrong with him." Cas said.

"But you can figure it out, right?" Nate asked, wrapping his arms around Holly.

Jack started having a seizure.

"Jack? Jack? Hey. Jack!" Sam called.


"I need a doctor!" Dean yelled. "Hey. Look, could you just get him inside?"

"Sir, I just need some basic information. That's the procedure. I do the work-up, then I take him back." The hospital worker said.

"Okay, the basic information is he's sick."

"Do you see anyone here who isn't? His full name, please. You do know his name, right?"

Holly glared. "Jack."

"Uh, uh, Kline." Sam added. "Jack Kline."

"K-l-i-n-e." Cas spelled.

"Date of birth?" The hospital worker asked.

"Come on. Is that important?" Dean asked.

"What did you say your relationship is to the patient?"

"May 18th. May 18th. Date of birth -- May 18th." Sam replied.

"2000 -- '99. 2000." Dean added.

"Uh-huh. Family medical history? Let's start with the father." The hospital worker questioned.

"He's dead."

"Cause of death?"

"He was stabbed through the heart, and he exploded." Cas informed.

"Okay, you know what? We don't have time for this. All right, he's sick. His name is Jack Kline. His father exploded. There, you've got all the basics. Now what does he need to do to see a doctor?" Dean asked.

Jack collapsed.

"Jack!" Cas cried.

Jack was rushed through the hospital on a gurney.

"Jack?!" Sam, Dean, Holly, and Nate called together. "It's all right, Jack. Hang in there, buddy. Jack, hey, we're right here, buddy."

"He's in good hands. Don't worry." The doctor said.

"So, there's -- there's been... Uh, he's been coughing. There's been blood." Nate informed.

"Okay, gentlemen, ma'am, can you at least wait outside, please?" The nurse asked.

"It's been going on for a while." Sam said.

"What's happened? Is he gonna be okay?" Dean asked.

"The doctor will handle it." The nurse told them.

"Jack, we're right here!"

The nurse turned to Holly. "We should check to see how your baby is doing."

Nate gave a nod. "Yeah, good idea. We'll tell you if we hear anything, okay, babe?"

Holly nodded and kissed him, following the nurse.

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