LXXXI. Rev on the Red Line

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[Bring 'em Back Alive]


Dean, Holly, and Ketch came through the rift to land in the snow-covered Apocalypse World.

"Ah, well... here we are." Ketch said.

Dean and Holly looked around, confused. "Yeah."

"You two do know where we are, don't you? Because, not to be a nag, but we've only got 24 hours before..."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just give us -- give us a minute." Dean told Ketch.

" ...the rift closes."

"Look, we just got spin-cycled through space and time, okay? And yes, this is... different than my last drop-by. And what's this "we" crap, hmm? You came here to save yourself, so... go save yourself, somewhere else."

"Well, actually, I thought I could help."


"Find the boy. And your... mother. She's in danger. I owe her that."

"You know, she sees you, she'll probably kill you. Again." Holly warned.

"Perhaps, but you two don't know where you are or what's out there or even... You both get the picture. Would having a little bit of backup really be so bad?"

Dean, Holly, and Ketch continued on together, walking alongside a river, where the rocks and trees were covered in snow. They walked underneath a bridge.

"Well, this is quite the vacation spot, isn't it?" Ketch commented.

"Yeah. If you had your heart set on Mai Tais, well... sorry." Dean said.

Dean spotted movement on the bridge and motioned to Ketch while pushing Holly down. "Down. Down. Down. Down. Down."

A group of soldiers walked onto the bridge. They had three prisoners, their heads covered with hoods, execution style.

"Is this everyone?" The commander asked.

"Yes, Commander." A soldier replied.

"For high crimes of fomenting rebellion against the archangel Michael, these humans shall be executed."

One of the soldiers removed the hood from the head of a woman. Another soldier placed his hand on the women's forehead. He was an angel and he used his powers to execute the woman.

"Freakin' angels." Dean and Holly muttered, reaching for a weapon.

Ketch discouraged them. "Not smart."

Dean and Holly watched as the second prisoned was executed in the same manner. The hood was removed from the third prisoner. As the angel moved in to execute another woman, the Commander stopped him.

Dean and Holly with a spark of recognition, said, "No."

"Wait." The commander instructed.


"I know you. You're not the usual human scum."

Apocalypse World (AW) Charlie said, "Not the slickest hook-up line, Captain Charm."

"You're with the Resistance. Inner circle. She's met with the Nephilim, the rebel archangel, and the other-worlder, Mary. Michael will want her at the Northern Camp, for interrogation."

"Champ, when the Resistance crushes you, I'm gonna be there to shred your feathers and grind them into dust."

The Commander grabbed AW Charlie by the throat and Dean and Holly again wanted to go in, but Ketch stopped them. "Dean, Holly..."

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