🍁 Love Is Like Wind 🍁

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Days with jimin were like lifetimes, they were so fun. Jimin was like a flower, that blossoms irrespective of seasons. He made jungkook aware of every breath he took and it made jungkook want to live, for himself, his aunt but more than anyone he wanted to live to be able to see jimin.

Jungkook was a goner, and he knew it!!

One of the things they started doing together was riding on jimin's brother's scooter. It was pretty normal for a Saturday morning, for jimin to stand outside of jungkook's yard with his shiny pink helmet on his pink hair, jungkook was pulled to him like a moth to a flame. But he wasn't complaining at all, for he was already burning in the feeling.

"Morning kookie!" Jimin chirped jungkook who was still a bit sleepy just grumbled in reply, he was not a morning person, but jimin had the cutest puppy eyes in the Universe, and Jeon Jungkook was a weak, weak man.

"Come Mr. Grumpy, hop on!!" Jungkook couldn't for the life of him understand how jimin was so happy every morning as if sunrises and shines with him,

Maybe it does, if jimin was sun then jungkook was a sunflower.

Jungkook thought to himself smiling at jimin babbling away, the early morning breeze hitting his face waking him up, it was their Saturday routine to help the neighborhood old ladies with stuff their old bodies could not do anymore.

It was such a jimin thing to do, jungkook chuckled while looking at him taking the helmet off, and raking his fingers through his hair fluffing them, he smiled at jungkook to come along and jungkook followed.

Their first stop was few houses down where an old lady lived, she had one daughter who lived in Seoul, her husband was no more, she was a cheerful lady and she loved jimin to bits, and jungkook could totally relate.

"Good morning grandma!!" Jimin chirped skipping into her yard, jungkook who was now awake followed him silently, waving out to her in greeting.

"Omo!! Jiminieeeee good morning!!" She replied pinching jimin's chubby cheeks with adoration making jungkook giggle at jimin's whining.

"So we are here to help you with the garden today, you said you needed to plant a few shrubs? Right?" Jimin asked once she let go of his cheeks making them pink just like his hair.

"Yes, that will be great! Please take the tools from the shed, while I bake you some cookies!!" She said patting both of their heads and made her way inside the house and jimin and jungkook got to work.

After an hour and half of planting, weeding and playing with mud and water they were done with the garden, they cleaned themselves up and put the tools back in the small shed when the grandma called them both in to have cookies!

"Thank you so much for helping me out, I wouldn't have been able to do it myself, " the grandma said while serving them freshly baked cookies and a glass of milk, on which they happily munched with laughter and little banter.

Jungkook knew why jimin was doing this, her grandson was in Seoul, and she missed him to bits but couldn't see him often, so jimin made it a point to visit her and let her treat him as her grandson, everyday jungkook fell more and more into the beautiful abyss that was jimin.

After helping a few more people around the neighborhood, jungkook was pretty exhausted and grumpy, and jimin knew enough of him in the few months they have been together to know  how to bring his mood up, so he took him to their favorite place

The shrieks,

It was a milkshake shop pretty popular in their area, the place lived up to its name, it had the best shakes you could have that could make you shriek in happiness, jimin can vouch because he did let out a happy shriek on his first milkshake, jungkook though wasn't as dramatic as him, but had instantly taken liking to the shop.

Today he got their favorite shakes and instead of sitting in their usual spot in the shop, he handed them to jungkook and started driving, making jungkook confused,

"Whoa, where are we going!" Jungkook asked to which jimin just shrugged and smiled continue driving but when they stopped at the end of the road jungkook was confused

"Is this where you kill me jimin? Am I finally fat enough to be cooked?" Jungkook said acted mock scared making jimin roll his eyes at him.

"Oh, come on smart ass, just follow me, you're about to be amazed!!" Jimin replied, walking ahead of him, upon walking a few steps and climbing a small hill they reached where they wanted and what greeted jungkook, he could never be prepared for that ever.

They were on a cliff, it was beautiful, absolutely amazing, the evening sun making the sky look mesmerizing, jimin held his hand and dragged him forward, the waves were hitting the dark rocks that lay on the coastline, making the water form white foam when it hit the rocks below, the setting sun making the water shine like crystals, jungkook was awwed.

"Jimin this is..."

"Beautiful, I know, come let's sit!" Jimin said pulling him down to sit down beside him and jungkook sat down legs crossed, they both were slrupping on their shakes enjoying the wind in their hair, this right here was peace, jungkook thought so much beauty in one place, the sun, the ocean, and jimin....

"How come you know this place, it feels like heaven jimin like all the world is just a buzz, " jungkook asked looking over at orange fireball that was slowly dipping over the horizon casting a beautiful glow to jimin making him look more and more ethereal, jimin just smiled his beautiful crescent eye smile.

"When dad died, I lost all the hope, considering he was the one who gave me it in the first place, and I just ran out of the house one day and stumbled upon this beautiful place, it got me thinking, I thought, there is very little to live for in this world, but I was given a second chance when I had nothing, I was given a father, a loving and doting older brother, I should not waste the life he gave me, and that's when I decided that I am gonna be just like him and save a life or at least help the best I could" jimin finished his little monologue turning to look at jungkook who looked at him with glistening eyes!

"Where do you bring all this love from jimin! Where?" Jungkook asked, making jimin hum looking at the sun that was almost gone, breathing the chilly wind teasing their faces and their hair, and chuckled a little

"Love is just like this wind jungkookie, you cannot see it but you can feel it!" He said squeezing jungkook's hand And jungkook was in love, he knew right there and then that, this boy right here deserved all the love and happiness in the world, and jungkook would stop at nothing to do just that.

That day jimin had saved jungkook, he had saved his soul, he had shown jungkook love that he thought was not real these days, he had given him hope, and a reason to be a better person than his parents were, unknowingly he had saved a soul.


Authors note :

Yuuuuuuhuuuuuuuuu, the second chapter is here guys!! I hope you like this!!!!

See you soon!!!

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