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"Jungkookieeeee" jimin whispered in his ears, but jungkook being the rock he did not move a bit, so jimin leaned forward from where he was kneeling on the side of the bed and kissed jungkook's arm which was under his head

"Jungkookieeeeee~~~~" jimin whispered again.

"Jungkook...wake up babe!!!" Jungkook just groaned and nuzzled more into the pillows mumbling something incoherent and jimin just chuckled at his husband's antics.

"You're married man now, try to be a responsible adult!!" Jimin said shaking him to which Jungkook just moaned and pulled his husband and squashed him between himself and the bed making jimin giggle when he nuzzled his neck and peppered a few kisses.

"God you are such a baby, I married a man child" jimin laughed at jungkook's sleepy pout and squinting eyes, unwinding jungkook's hands from his body and he got up.

"Baby come back!!" Jungkook whines making grabby hands at jimin, which just made jimin giggle so hard.

"Nope, we do not have anything in our fridge that is edible, so my dear hubby I am going grocery shopping! While you wake up and get ready for work! " Jimin announced in a sing-song voice already picking his keys up.

"Just gimme five minutes baby, I 'll go and grab us groceries," jungkook said already awake but jimin just pushed him towards the bathroom tutting.

"Oh, no no no, you get ready and I will be back before you know it," jimin said leaning towards jungkook, who closed his eyes waiting for his much-awaited morning kiss but was flicked on his forehead instead.

"Yaaahhhhh!! Kim Jimin!!!" He shouted running behind a giggling jimin who already reached the threshold of their door sofa separating him and jungkook.

"It's Jeon Jimin since last month" he winked and giggled at jungkook which also painted a smile on jungkook's face too.

"Yeah, I will see you Jeon Jimin, when you get back!!" Jungkook challenged with a smirk and smug smile,

"Maybe I won't come back then" poking his tongue out to jungkook, jimin slipped out the door.

A week later

"Maybe I won't come back then"

Jungkook woke up gasping for air, breathing  heavily as if he just ran a mile, he looked around him only to see the room distorted clothes were strewn everywhere, tissues lying on the floor, a broken vase which smashed when jungkook had rushed when he got the dreaded phone call saying his husband had been in a car crash.

Tears were soon to come when he finally realized that this was a nightmare that had come to life and he had to live in this endless nightmare for all his life, because.....


His best friend

His first love

His husband

Was No More With Him!!!!


Authors note:

Okay, so that's the prologue...!!! It's the first time I did something like this. So I don't know if I was successful feel free to tell me.

Okay, so there's gonna be angst like lots of it...tears and what not...!!! I am NOT kidding!!!

So if anyone is up for it, I am gonna write this.

🍁 Can't help falling in love with you 🍁(jikook)Where stories live. Discover now