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Married life was bliss!!

Well, sort off jungkook would say, nothing much had changed as they were already living together after chanyeol left for Japan. 

They had rules around the house such as chores, were distributed between them, if one cooks, the other would do the dishes and so on.

Today was jungkook's cooking day, Jimin had just come back and gone to freshen up, so jungkook thought that until the food is done he should make tea for his husband, as excited as a bunny that he was he accidentally knocked Jimin favorite mug, shattering pieces.

God!!!! he was soo dead, angry Jimin was dangerous Jimin, gulping he threw the cup in the trash and decided to absolve his sin somehow. So he decided to test the waters first, he moved to living room where Jimin was sitting watching tv and cleared his throat to get attention.

"Uhm... Ji, baby,  what would you hypothetically do if somebody knocked your favorite mug down and smashed it beyond repair?" He asked looking nervously at Jimin, whose eyes widened knowing where this was going, but he schooled his face to neutral.

"Hypothetically? Hmmm, I would bring out my best puppy eyes and few tears to ask namjoon hyung to tie him up to a chair and have yoongi hyung torture him and make him sleep on the couch for at least a month.. hypothetically!!" Jimin said looking at him with a glint in his eyes which only made jungkook gulp dryly, he knew this wasn't an empty threat and those two would not back out of it, especially if Jimin pulls out his puppy eyes, jungkook actually shuddered while imagining it.

"I got that cup from the old lady two blocks down... I suggest you run...hypothetically of course, " Jimin said going back to watching his show. And jungkook ran at the speed of the light.

They were happy as much as they can be. Even with all the imperfections and clumsiness, Jimin loved jungkook to death and jungkook knew it.

But nobody prepared them for what was gonna come soon......

That morning was just like any other mornings, they were cuddled up to each other, the sun peeking through the curtain waking jimin up gently, who woke up with a content smile on his face and looked at the most beautiful person cuddled up to him still in his dreams he chuckled.

"Jungkookieeeee" Jimin whispered in his ears, but jungkook being the rock he did not move a bit, so Jimin leaned forward and kissed jungkook's arm which was under his head making him groan.

"Jungkookieeeeee~~~~" Jimin whispered again.

"Jungkook...wake up babe!!!" Jungkook just groaned and nuzzled more into the pillows mumbling something incoherent and Jimin just chuckled at his husband's antics.

"You're married now, try to be a responsible adult!!" Jimin said shaking him to which Jungkook just moaned and pulled his husband and squashed him between himself and the bed making jimin giggle when he nuzzled his neck and peppered a few kisses.

"God you are such a baby, I married a man child" Jimin laughed at jungkook's sleepy pout and squinting eyes, unwinding jungkook's hands from his body he got up.

"Baby come back!!" Jungkook whines making grabby hands at jimin, which just made jimin giggle so hard.

"Nope, we do not have anything in our fridge that is edible, so my dear hubby I am going grocery shopping! While you wake up and get ready for work! " Jimin announced in a sing-song voice already picking his keys up.

"Just gimme five minutes baby, I 'll go and grab us groceries," jungkook said already awake but jimin just pushed him towards the bathroom tutting his tongue.

"Oh, no no no, you get ready and I will be back before you know it," jimin said leaning towards jungkook, who closed his eyes waiting for his much-awaited morning kiss but was flicked on his forehead instead.

"Yaaahhhhh!! Kim Jimin!!!" He shouted running behind a giggling jimin who already reached the threshold of their door with the sofa separating him and jungkook.

"It's Jeon Jimin since last month" he winked and giggled at jungkook which painted a smile on jungkook's face too.

"Yeah, I will see you Jeon Jimin, when you get back!!" Jungkook challenged with a smirk and smug smile.

"Maybe I won't come back then" poking his tongue out to jungkook, jimin slipped out the door making jungkook chuckle and shake his head at his husband.

After getting showered jungkook got back to the room, getting dressed for his work they were shooting for the new catalog and namjoon insisted that it had to be their best so jungkook was fired up, he was just about to do his hair when his phone rang, thinking it must be namjoon getting jittery and calling to see if he was awake yet, he chuckled to answer the phone.

Love. Jungkook frowned looking at the device why jimin was calling him maybe to ask if he wanted something, he picked up the call and the never-ending nightmare began.

"Hello, "

"Hello, the owner  of this phone has been in an accident and your number was listed as emergency contact, we are taking him to City hospital, please be there soon" with that the line went dead, time stopped he felt as if someone had crushed his heart and smashed it to smithereens, he bolted back to reality when his phone rang again, it was namjoon this time, he picked up the call

"Kook, where are -" but he was cut off by jungkook's shaken up voice

"N-namjoon h-h-hyung, jimin, accident, hospital, I have to go hyung" as if somebody punched him he hung up the phone and made a mad dash towards the door breaking a vase on his way but he could care less about it.

2hours. It has been two hours since the doctors had taken jimin into surgery and jungkook had not stopped bouncing his legs, chanyeol was fortunately in Seoul, so he was getting here as soon as he could namjoon was pacing the waiting area, while yoongi was holding jungkook's hand who held it with a death grip.

So when the doctors finally came out, jungkook was over the doctor, who could only shake his head at him.

"We couldn't save him, too much internal bleeding, I am so sorry!!I " The doctor apologized bowing to the family, namjoon and jungkook's aunt who had arrived just when the doctor announced the news let out a shrill cry, jungkook refused to believe.

"No, you are lying!" Jungkook said grabbing the doctors collar and pushing him on the wall

"You lying piece of shit, how dare you?!? My jimin is not dead, you hear that!???" He all but screamed in the doctor's face who understood him but was fearful of his rage. Within seconds namjoon and yoongi pulled jungkook back and apologized to the doctor.

"He's gone jungkook! Please get a grip!!" Namjoon pleaded with him, and jungkook just broke down crying and crying out jimin's name.

"Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~" he all but screamed before blacked out.


Authors note :

I hope you don't hate me too much!!!

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