🍁Similar, Yet Different🍁

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Jungkook stepped out in the night air and stood on the curb in front of Jimin's apartment, he had anticipated this reaction from jimin.

It was difficult for jungkook to comprehend too when he first saw jimin and was made familiar with the notion that someone else had the face of his precious husband, his Ji, he understood the reaction he got and he was ready to wait for jimin no matter his decision and he made the call.


"Should I call tae?" Yoongi asks understanding jungkook's tone, they had talked about it and we're prepared for the worse.

"Yes, jimin needs them both!" Jungkook replied with a sigh.

"I am on it!" Yoongi said and hung up.

Jungkook pocketed his cell phone. There wasn't much he could do but wait for this metaphorical storm to pass.

All his life he had been facing these storms he is so used to it now, he knows he will get through it because the worst one was when his Ji was taken away from him if he got through that he could get through anything.

He decided that he was leaving for Busan. Seoul through pretty and beautiful in its own way it wasn't for him. He wanted to be where his home was and it was in Busan. Jungkook was given new life there, he had felt the warmth of true love for the first time in his life there, he was married and he lost his husband there, though his heart was present in the hands of jimin upstairs, a part of his heart was still in Busan buried with his husband.


Jimin felt warmth on his back and hands slid around his waist pulling him into a warm chest simultaneously he felt soft fingers caressing his hair jimin knew these hands after all they had always been with him when life had struck him down. He could stop the sobs that left his lips and curled on to the pillow him his head being cradled and circles been drawn on his back.

"It's an okay baby! We got you!" Jin whispered softly, while tae just tightened his arms around the boy in the silent promise of always being there like all these years, he was jimin's rock.

The next morning when jimin woke up he was being squashed between the Kim brothers and though he was incredibly grateful and delighted to have the two comfort him, he also really needed to pee.

So he with great effort untangled his limbs from the cage that was Kim taehyung and Kim seokjin, he got up with a grunt. Once he was done he went to wash his face in the sink and he glanced at the mirror that when the events from last night came crashing on him.

His breath hitched he remembered seeing the picture of jungkook's husband who looked exactly like him, jimin scrutinized his own face in the mirror he traced the lines and curves of his face, his eyes, his lips, his nose, his cheeks, how could this happen??

This stuff is limited to dramas and movies how can any of it be real.

Did jungkook fall in love with him because he looked like his late husband?

Was jimin never suppose to find love?

After all this time he found someone to love just to learn it was not his?

That he owed it?

Fate can't be that cruel to him can it?

Soon he was crying while looking at his face he turned to looks at the door to find taehyung looking at him with worry and jimin just ran into his arms and broke down crying.

🍁 Can't help falling in love with you 🍁(jikook)Where stories live. Discover now