The Town Of Willow Ridge

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*Picture is of Wolf (Storm's Irish Wolfhound)*

Chapter One: The Town Of Willow Ridge

"Are we almost there?" My little sister, and pain in the butt, asks in a sing song voice. The little brat sits in the back seat with her legs tucked under her and a book resting on her jean clad knee.

"Skye!" I try not to shout so it comes out as a slightly louder than normal voice. She grins at me cheekily before returning to her book. Her large grin fades into a satisfied smirk which leaves me grumbling and trying not to curse.

I turn on my indicator and breeze into the next lane of the highway before slowing down as the road curves sharply. Finally, we are off the highway. I glance in the side mirror to see a large silver horse trailer following my every move. Inside holds my precious cargo, my four Mustangs, and all the things I will need for this big horse show.

I look back to the road in front of me and ease onto the small paved road that leads away from the highway and deeper into the country. After a couple right turns and a couple left turns, we ease onto a dirt road and I can see the lights of a small town up ahead. A bark stops me from thinking and I turn to see the large Irish Wolfhound beside me.

"Easy Wolf." I tell the excited dog as he places his head outside the vehicle with his tongue lolling out. He looks a little crazy with his golden eyes and thin grey and black hairs that cover his body.

He barks again, but I ignore him as I press down on the gas to make it before it's completely dark. I would rather not run over someone when we go to park in the rider camping area. When we reach the edge of the small town, I'm hit with a feeling of homesickness. I shake it off with a deep sigh before slowing down to the speed limit.

"Finally!" Skye grins excitedly as she presses her face to the glass. "Oh, I definitely want to go there!" She giggles as she points to a small boutique.

I head down the main street and spot the fair grounds that sit on the edge and extend into the woods that surround most of the town. The town of Willow Ridge looks to be a nice, small place where almost everyone knows everyone. But it also seems like the town where a lot of tourists come through.

I stop at the gates to the fairground where a security guard comes out from the trailer and approaches. I roll down my window and he leans in to see us. When he spots Wolf I can't help but smile as his eyes widen in slight fear. Wolf shows his chompers just for the heck of it and I almost burst out laughing as the large man steps back.

"Don't worry, he's friendly." I assure the man. He doesn't seem to believe me and keeps his distance as he pulls out a clipboard and pen. "Storm Ryder and the people behind me are Mikaela Wolf and Kyla Andrew." I tell him.

He asks for my driver's licence and after he checks everything out he returns it to me and waves me through with brief directions to get to the campsite. Mikaela and Kyla quickly catch up after a stop with the security guard and we make our way toward the woods. A couple people on a Gator race in front and I slowly press on the brakes as they lead the way to where the others are staying.

They lead us up a wide trail through the woods, until finally we reach a large clearing. Several campfires brighten the area and I can see the silhouettes of horses and people settling in for the night. I follow the people on the gator until they briefly stop at an empty spot and point to it. I wave them off and pull my truck and trailer around so it is perpendicular to the way we came in. Kyla pulls in behind me at a ninety degree angle and then Mikaela does the same with a ninety degree angle to the end of Kyla's trailer.

This way, three sides are blocked off for the horses to graze and we only have to block off the spaces between the trucks and trailers and the front side. I jump out, with Wolf and Skye following, before approaching my trailer. I climb up onto the roof where a rack holds the metal fence panels. I unbuckle the straps and look down to see Mikaela and Kyla waiting to grab the panels. Skye is busy letting Mikaela and Kyla's dogs out and letting them wander around.

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