Twist And Slayer

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Chapter Ten: Twist And Slayer

"Are you sure?" I hold the phone to my ear as I sit on a folding chair back at the campsite with an icepack against my thigh. The stupid bugger swelled up and now I can barely walk without face planting.

"Yeah, just stay there and get Slayer into a healthier weight range. Carter says that Twist is doing well and that we can organize shipping tomorrow sometime. He should be bringing Skye back to the camp in a few minutes and then he'll come pick Mikaela and I up." Kyla says.

"How is Mik?" I frown before removing the ice pack as it begins to give my thigh frost bite. Can't they make these things so they are cold enough to relieve the muscles and not freeze the body part off?

"A hairline fracture on her tibia and a possible concussion." Kyla sighs. "She's fine, but she's not allowed on a horse for a couple weeks."

"That's good to hear." I breathe a sigh of relief as I finally let my shoulders slump forward. "I mean, it could have been worse." I add.

"Yeah, it could have but it wasn't so we have to be thankful for that and continue on." Kyla yawns. "Tomorrow after the trick riding do you want to head straight home?"

I open my mouth to reply when I find myself pausing. Did I want to go home or did I want to spend another day and try figuring out what I did wrong with Alex? He doesn't seem to want to talk things through. Did I want to take a chance? I find that I don't have an answer for that so I give Kyla the option of deciding.

"It's up to you, I don't really care." I shrug my shoulders even though she can't see it. I hear her sigh on the other end and I realize she isn't too sure either. "We can wait and see what we feel like after the last events?" I suggest.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I'm not sure if Mik wants to go do any celebrating for when you kick Alyssa's ass." Kyla chuckles. "She lasted what? Three small crow hops and then she face planted? That girl is going down."

I laugh too as I remember her mare coming out of the box at a gallop and giving tiny little hops of joy. After the second, Alyssa became unseated and then at the third she slid right off and ate dirt. All the bronc riders were laughing their asses off at the sad attempt as Alyssa grew red hot with anger. I'm sure her pride will need a couple of band aids after that.

"You bet." I stretch my legs toward the fire and sigh. "I'll have the animals fed and down for the night by the time you guys get back." I tell her. "You can just head right for bed that way and we can get an early start for tomorrow."

"Thanks, Storm. I'll see you when we get back." With that we hang up and I'm left with four dogs whining at my feet for their dinner. I chuckle at them before standing up and heading over to the big bag of dog food that we put in the tack room of my trailer.

After pouring some into each of their bowls, I fill up their water dish and make my way to the bed of my truck. Reaching in, I grab the snack box and open it up to pull out a sandwich. I also grab a coke before making my way back to the fireplace just as Skye comes racing through the gate.

"How's Mikaela?" She asks as soon as she reaches me. I raise an eyebrow as I just bit into my sandwich and have a mouthful of bread and peanut butter. "Hurry up!" She whines as I quickly chew and swallow.

"How rude can you get?" I frown at her. She rolls her eyes and comes closer with a pleading expression. "She's fine, she has a hairline fracture on her tibia and a possible concussion. She won't be able to ride for a few weeks, but other than that she's okay and will be on her way back soon." I tell her.

"Oh thank God! I thought she was going to get crushed!" Skye's eyes water as she remembers our mom. I realize I thought that too and pull her into a tight hug as she tries to get her emotions under control.

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