Dared To Ride

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Chapter Two: Dared To Ride

"That was some good food." Mikaela rubs her stomach happily as we leave the diner and head down to the shop which caught Skye's attention yesterday.

"There was some good views too." Kyla chimes in. I roll my eyes at her before walking faster to keep up with Skye. She does not need to find out what Kyla is talking about. She may be thirteen, but I am determined for her to be innocent until she's at least seventy five. No, scratch that I want her innocent until she's eighty.

"Cut it out, Ky." Mikaela rolls her eyes before speeding up as well. We quickly reach the small store where Skye barges right in. The small store holds a whole bunch of equestrian clothes and gifts.

"Good morning!" An older lady calls from the back. We call a greeting back to her before making our way through the aisles to check everything out.

"Ooh, look at this!" Kyla holds up a fancy frame that has little horse shoes, barrels, cowboy boots and hats around the edge.

"Nice!" Mikaela grins as she glances at the frame before turning her attention back to the jewelry case.

"Storm? Can I get this?" Skye holds up a silver chain with a golden rearing horse with silver eyes. I catch the price tag and see that it's just under one hundred dollars.

"Sure." I shrug my shoulders and follow her to the older lady. After purchasing the necklace, we head back to the campsite to saddle up and go for a little ride around the grounds.

"Hurry up!" Skye grins as she nudges my brown and white piebald Mustang, Breeze, down toward the fairgrounds. The fourteen year old mare has been to countless shows and nothing bothers her now. Storm usually rides her as she's bomb proof and I trust her not to freak out over something stupid.

I swing up onto Stormy's back and nudge the young filly, who happens to be Breeze's baby, after her. Mikaela comes up behind me on her seven year old buckskin paint Mustang, Sunny. Then Kyla comes over on Whiskey and together we head down the trail to where we will be showing for the next couple of days.

The grounds are still busy with kids racing from ride to ride and riders getting their horses used to the new area. I even see some english riders popping over a couple of jumps in one of the sand rings. We ride toward the western section of the fairgrounds and find a bunch of riders running the barrels. Skye quickly goes off to the warm up ring to get Breeze ready for some barrels.

I go off by myself to ride by the big rides with the screaming kids and all the running and laughing. Stormy walks with hesitant steps and when we come to the ferris wheel she loses it. Her head shoots up to the large contraption before she bolts backward with a terrified squeal. I laugh and hold on as she refuses to turn around and take her eyes off the scary monster.

"Come on Stormy!" I laugh as I tap her sides lightly with my heels. The little filly lets out a defiant snort before rearing up and walking backwards. I laugh harder as I lean over her neck to help keep her from tipping over.

She comes down with a thud and bolts sideways before slowing to a brisk trot. She prances the whole way back to the others where she lets out another snort; her eyes stay focused on the ferris wheel.

"Are you serious?" Mikaela hunches over her western saddle in complete hysterics as she realizes what Stormy spooked at. "How did she spook at the ferris wheel, but not the roller coasters and the screaming?!" She hoots.

"I don't know." I chuckle. "Mind coming with me?" I ask her. Once she calms down she nods her head and we make our way toward the ferris wheel once more. Stormy grows tense as we get closer, but with Sunny beside her we make it past.

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