Crazy Enough

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Chapter Five: Crazy Enough

"So, how are you going to get him through the creek?" Skye asks as we all turn our eyes to Trestar as he gulps down a bucket of water. I still remember the time he wouldn't even drink water because he was so scared. The money I spent getting organic cow milk . . .

"I have no clue." I sigh and look to Trestar once more. "I actually kind of forgot about his fear." I scratch the back of my neck.

"Well, you know where I'll be." Mikaela grins. I roll my eyes at her before stretching out my legs. A whole hour before I even have to warm up is in my hands and I don't know what to do with it.

"Thanks, Mik." I tell her sarcastically before turning when we hear a throat clearing. At the gate I find Carter, the father and the little girl, Zoey.

"Come on in!" Mikaela grins and waves them over. Kyla let's out an embarrassed groan and slumps down in her seat.

I hurry to the truck and pull out three more folding chairs before setting them up and accidentally placing one of them beside Kyla. She glares at me as Carter sits down before we all turn to the empty fire pit. Nobody says anything until I hear another throat clear. I look up to see the man smiling at me.

"I know I said thank you, but I don't feel that it's enough." He says. "My name's Alexander Hayes." He smiles at me.

"Storm Ryder, it's nice to meet you." I smile back. I get a nudge from Kyla and turn to see her wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh, and this whore-ible person is Kyla." I try to hide my grin. They all laugh except for Kyla who gives me a good slap to the back of my head.

"Back to the topic at hand, how are you really going to get a horse that's terrified of water through it?" Mikaela asks this time.

"I really don't know." I turn back to Trestar who looks up and gives us a look. The I-know-what-you're-talking-about-and-I-don't-like-it kind of look.

"I suggest we all go and watch beside the water jump." Kyla grins. I give her a good, hard glare before crossing my arms over my chest.

"Have some faith, young grasshopper." Carter says. I look to see him patting Kyla's head like she's a dog. She rolls her eyes before fixing her hair and leaning back into the seat.

"You obviously haven't seen this horse in action then." Mikaela says seriously. "If he doesn't want to do something . . . well, you better have good medical coverage."

"Is he really that dangerous?" Alex questions. I turn to see him frowning at the peaceful stallion as he rests in the shade. I let out an awkward laugh.

"You should see my medical history." I finally say. "Between him and that red horse, Celtic," I point to Celtic in his paddock, "I have had more broken bones than bones in my body."

"And you still ride?" He raises an eyebrow as if to question my sanity. Don't worry bud I question my sanity every day. I nod my head at him. He shakes his head and we fall back into silence once more.

"I guess I should tack up and head down." I groan as I check the time. Everyone nods their head and begin to move out of their chairs. With a tired sigh I get to my feet and move over to Trestar. "How are we going to do this, hey boy?" I question him.

He opens one brown eyes and snorts before closing it again. I chuckle and give him a firm pat on his neck. Looks like it's death by panicking horse. I throw his tack on him and after giving the girth a good tightening I lead him out of the paddock. He follows me over to the far side of the campsite where a couple cross country jumps await. An entrance to the wood is where the cross country begins with a box where the horse and rider will wait till they can go.

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