Nothing But A Cowgirl

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Chapter Seven: Nothing But A Cowgirl

"That was fourteen point two seconds for Abigail Red on No Time For That. Up next is Skye Ryder on Winter Chill." The announcer says over the speakers.

"Go Skye!" Mikaela yells as we sit on horseback beside the ring. Three barrels are set up in the shape of a triangle with the top at the opposite end of where Skye is. Breeze stands quietly in the gate with her best tack on and her blue eyes sparkling in excitement.

"Breeze looks like she's going to fall asleep." Kyla jokes just as the ticker starts counting. Breeze launches forward as a blur and takes off for the first barrel which is on her right. Her gallop becomes a collected canter as she whips around it. Then she's stretching out toward the second barrel where she once again collects herself.

"Whoo hoo, Breeze!" Mikaela calls as the small mare races for the final barrel. As she spins around the final barrel, the crowd begins to cheer louder. Breeze surges away from the barrel and for the finish line.

"And that's eleven point eight-seconds for Skye Ryder on Winter Chill." The announcer says as Skye trots over. "And that will put her in first place." He adds.

Cheers cause Stormy to spook backwards with a squeal of fright as the others laugh and clap Skye on the back. We watch as the rest of the young riders go and then the event ends with Skye still in first place.

"Awesome job, Skye." I chuckle as my sister comes back with a belt buckle and red ribbon in her hand.

"Thanks, I only won because of Breeze." She pats the mare's neck with a large grin. "You're riding her in the next level aren't you?"

"Yeah, why don't you ride back up to the camp and put that away before riding back down." I suggest.

"Okay, I'll be right back." She smiles before walking away with Breeze prancing under her. That mare has an endless supply of energy.

"Alright, the loser has to buy everyone dinner." Mikaela grins as our barrel racing event begins.

"Sounds like a plan." Kyla grins. I nod my head in agreement and together we head down to the ring to start warming up. I only lightly trot Stormy around as she's my pole bending horse.

"What are your events again?" Mikaela asks as she stops Sunny beside me as I wait for Skye to return with Breeze.

"Breeze is barrel racing and trick riding, Stormy is pole bending, Trestar is cutting, and Celtic is calf roping." I tell her. "Then I'm doing bronc riding." I add.

"Okay, sorry I forgot." She rides off just as Breeze appears with Skye on her back. I slide off and lead Stormy toward them.

"Just hold her for me, she's still new to all of this." I tell Skye as we switch horses. Skye rolls her eyes and leads Stormy out of the way of everyone. "Ready to ride, Breeze?" I smile as I fix the stirrups.

The mare tosses her head and raises her front hoof to strike the ground. I chuckle and lengthen the other stirrup before swinging up and grabbing the reins. Since she's already warmed up I just trot around until it's Mikaela's turn. Together, Kyla and I head over to where Skye holds Stormy so we can watch Mikaela go.

"Go Mik!" Skye whoops as the girl before Mikaela finishes and Mikaela enters the starting area.

"That was fifteen-seconds for Rebecca Williams on Rodeo Girl. Up next is Mikaela Wolf on Desert Gold." The speakers crackle to life.

"WHOO HOO MIKAELA!" Kyla and Skye shout at the top of their lungs like the crazy people they are.

Sunny gives a little buck as the buzzer goes off before charging out of the starting box. Mikaela whips her around the first barrel with a bit of a struggle before smoothing it out at the second barrel. Sunny charges for the third barrel and Mikaela can barely slow her down. They make it around the third barrel and charge for home with Sunny giving a small buck as she goes.

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