A Ride In The Country

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Chapter Six: A Ride In The Country

I arrive back at the camp after excusing myself and complaining about my thigh bothering me. I see the lights on in my truck and hurry toward it with a slight limp. God damn Trestar. I pull open the back door and spot the two girls curled up and watching some type of Disney movie.

"What's up?" I question curiously. I hop into the truck with a slight wince and pull one of the blankets over my legs.

"Zoey, you can trust her." Skye nudges the young girl. Zoey looks up at me with pale green eyes, so much like her father's, and tucks a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

"My dad . . . he's had problems with horses all his life." She tells me after a slight pause. "When he was a kid his mum got bucked off and she died because of the injuries. Everyone told him it wasn't the horse's fault as a hunter was out hunting and thought the horse was a deer. The horse was scraped across the butt with the bullet and because of the pain he bucked and through her. Then my mom, she was a big time horse enthusiast and ran off to continue her career. He just doesn't want to lose me and won't let me ride horses. But I want to! I love them and deep down I know he does too!" She starts to cry at the end.

"Hey, sweetie." I pull her into my chest and let her calm down. "Things happen and I know you want to ride, but sometimes you have to wait till your older and you are in control of your life."

"But I want to ride now! I can't wait till I'm a grown up!" She cries as she pulls away. The sadness on her face breaks my heart. She obviously loves horses, but I can't try and talk to her dad. I just met him and he's going to think I'm using him or something.

"I don't know what to do, Zoey." I shake my head sadly. "Maybe you can make a deal with him? You take riding lessons for one month and if he still doesn't like it he can pull you out and you have to wait till you're an adult and if he finds it okay you can continue riding." I suggest.

"What if he says no?" She whispers softly just as someone knocks on the window. I look down at her and smile sadly.

"Then you must wait." I say before turning just as Alex opens the door. "Hey." I smile as I move out of the way to let Zoey pass.

"Hey," he smiles back. "I'll see you in the morning, maybe we can go out for a drive or something." He says as he leads Zoey away.

"Maybe." I smile. He disappears into the dark and I turn to Skye with a sigh. "I brought some leftovers." I throw her a paper bag of food from a local diner.

"Yum." She grins before opening up the bag. "Did you eat?" She questions. I shake my head no before turning to leave the truck.

"Don't worry, Skye. I'm not that hungry." I say before closing the door and heading toward the tent. Inside I find Kyla and Mikaela getting ready for bed with Kyla brushing out her light brown hair and Mikaela curling up in her sleeping bag.

"Night." Mikaela yawns as she places her blindfold over her eyes. I smile and grab my pyjamas before making my way back out. I head right for the tack room of my trailer where I turn on the light and pull on my pyjamas.

"Knock, knock!" Skye's voice calls. I quickly pick up my clothes and unlock the door so I can step out. "Thanks, I need to change." She holds up her pyjamas before shoving past me and slamming the door closed behind me.

I shake my head and make my way over to my two stallions who approach the fence when I reach it. I stroke their noses before feeding them the treats I find in my jeans. They munch hungrily before Celtic returns to his grazing. Trestar stands there with his eyes closed as I scratch his head.

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