Around The Barrel

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Chapter Thirteen: Around The Barrel

"What tricks are you going to do?" Kyla asks as I tighten the girth on Breeze's saddle. The saddle was custom designed with its white leather and plum purple jewels and stitching. Even her bridle is white with purple stitching and a purple mask over her face.

"I was thinking of spin the horn, suicide drag, hippodrome and my new trick around the barrel." I grin. "It's about time I took a little risk."

"No way! You haven't been able to do that trick yet!" Skye gaps. "She can seriously hurt you."

"I'll be fine, I'll do a little practicing out in the field and I'll be back and ready to go by the time the event starts." I shrug my shoulders. "Everything works out in the end." I add as I grab the reins.

"I'll have your outfit ready." Kyla says as I swing up into the saddle. I slide my feet into the stirrups before trotting away. Breeze moves down the trail to the clearing where the hunt club went through before stopping.

With a deep breath I begin warming up by cantering her around. She lopes around gracefully when I suddenly take her down the middle of the clearing at a gallop. She charges straight and true so I pull her back to the canter and go back to where I turned her down the middle. Once there, I sit for a moment and look down the centre of the clearing as I empty my mind of all thoughts. I need to be focused because one little distracting thought is all it takes.

"Okay Breeze, let's do this." I dig my heels into her sides and she charges down the middle keeping straight as she knows the drill. My heart pounds excitedly in my chest as I bring my feet up to the holds and stand up with the reins in one hand. I arch my back slightly and move in time with her. The hippodrome is all about balance.

When we come close to the end of the clearing I sit down before sliding my feet from the holds and putting them back into the stirrups. As I do, Breeze comes back to the canter and goes around the clearing again. A smile brightens my face as I pull her back to a walk to catch her breath. When we reach the other end, Breeze begins to prance so I dig my heels in and we're off once again.

This time I stay close to the saddle and do the trick spin the horn. Which is literally what it is with the person swinging their legs over to get around the horn to sit on the horse's neck and then swing back to the saddle. Breeze gallops perfectly down the centre so I do the trick multiple times before having to slow her down. I pull her to a halt and let her walk around a couple of times. Not because she's tired though, but because my mind keeps wandering.

Why does Alex seem to hate me now? What did I do wrong? What happened to make him change his mind so suddenly? Was it something I did or did he realize something? All those questions run through my mind on repeat with no pause button in sight. I frown deeply before looking down at Breeze.

"What's up with boys?" I ask her. She snorts and tosses her head before breaking into a gallop down the middle. I chuckle before deciding to try my new and very dangerous trick.

Around the barrel is not for the faint of heart or the merely curious. You have to be willing to whip yourself under your horse while its in full gallop mode and pull yourself up into the saddle. If you don't have the strength you could get trampled and if your horse doesn't trust you being trampled is possible.

"Okay Breeze, let's do this." And with that I dive head first toward the ground. My hands grab the stirrup and I propel myself under her stomach and grabbing the stirrup on the other side. I pull myself under and up before grabbing the horn and bringing my knee into the stirrup.

I go to swing my leg over the saddle when my knee slips from its hold and I'm falling toward the ground. I go down with my knees slamming against the grass and then rolling a few feet. Breeze stops a few strides away as I lie on my back and groan in pain as my wound cries out. I hear her come toward me and then her nose touches mine gently. Her warm breath fans across my face and I finally open my eyes to look up at her.

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