Celebrations And Saying Goodbye

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Chapter Fourteen: Celebrations And Saying Goodbye

"Are you going to go back in there and do your trick?" A man approaches. He's obviously a volunteer with his bright orange t-shirt. I nod my head and he scurries off to tell the announcer.

"This is what I love about these girls. A bad fall never scares them for long. Please welcome back to the ring Storm Ryder on Winter Chill." The voice crackles over the speakers.

Cheers and whoops echo through the air as I ride Breeze into the ring with a prancing trot. At the start I nudge her into a gallop and right away I begin spinning around the horn. I move faster than ever before as I let my anger out without harming anyone. The end comes up and I give one final swing into the saddle before pulling Breeze back to the trot. My eyes narrow at Alyssa as she scowls from atop her mare before letting Breeze exit the ring. And that's how it's done.

"That was great!" Kyla races over and this time Skye is with her. I smile as I slide from the saddle and pat the sweaty mare's neck. "Only two more tricks to go!" She adds.

"Are you still doing around the barrel?" Skye questions as she grab's Breeze's reins. I shrug my shoulders and look at the still skittish mare.

"I'm not even sure I'll be able to do the suicide drag with her like this." I frown as I pat her bum where sparkly stick on jewels sit in the shape of blowing wind. The silver and blue crystals sparkle under the evening sun and catches everyone's attention.

"You can do it! She's already calmed down a lot." Skye frowns. I let out a tired sigh before looking down at my thigh where blood is starting to soak through.

"Damn it, I've ripped it open again." I scowl as I rub it gently. The flesh aches from the pressure so I quickly remove my hand.

"You should just quit and give me your horse then." Alyssa smirks down at us. Breeze snorts and tosses her head anxiously.

"Like I'm going to just give up." I roll my eyes. "Which one are you even interested in anyways?" I ask curiously.

"I do believe Celtic will be a great replacement for Satan. I'll have to change his name of course, but he'll do." I can't help but laugh at her choice. Celtic wouldn't let her get any closer than ten feet to him let alone on him and controlling him.

"You'll never be able to ride him. He won't allow it." I chuckle as I stroke Breeze's mane. Alyssa laughs and leans out of her saddle to look down at me.

"My trainer has some methods that would have that Mustang bowing down at me." She sneers. "We'll just have to wait and see." Then she whips her mare around and trots back to her minions.

"I'm just going to go and hire an assassin." Kyla half-jokes as she turns to leave. "You better win this thing! Or on second thought, lose. I would like to see someone even try and tell Celtic to bow." She laughs.

"Me too, but I won't lose on purpose." I shake my head. Skye hands me Breeze's reins before hurrying after Kyla. With a groan, I swing back into the saddle and urge Breeze into a walk. Her walk becomes bouncy as she prances by another horse which swishes its tail in annoyance.

I cluck my tongue and urge her past several other horses when I'm finally called in for my third trick. The girl before me is just finishing up with her trick so I jump down and turn to Breeze. Her blue eye looks into mine with fear as I place my hand on her forehead. She lowers her head slightly so we're eye to eye and snorts softly.

"Nothing bad is going to happen because I won't let it." I tell her. "I need my brave horse back, my forever free mustang, my Breeze." Her blue eye stare back into mine with an understanding only certain people can get. "Let's show these know-it-alls how it's done." I smirk before swinging back up into the saddle.

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