Whiskey's Passion

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Chapter Four: Whiskey's Passion

The ride back is a lot longer than the ride there since we only walk so as not to scare the little girl. She seems fine, but someone called the paramedics who are waiting back at the campsite along with the terrified father. Apparently a very angry Alyssa is also waiting to shout and tear into someone. I'll just have to make sure that someone is me.

We enter the clearing, where everyone is waiting, and I can see that a large crowd has gathered to see what happened. At the front of the crowd is a young female paramedic and beside her is a young man, who must be the girl's father. He races forward once I halt Whiskey and grabs the young girl from me.

"Zoey!" His voice comes out as a sigh of relief. He looks to me and for once I can see nothing but gratefulness in his gaze. I nod my head before sliding off of Whiskey and leading him over to Kyla.

"You should watch your brat more closely!" Alyssa's voice comes over the murmuring crowd. I turn around to see the woman with her cheeks burning red.

"You shouldn't leave your horse unattended." I say as I hand Whiskey over to Kyla. "You should jump him more often." I say to Kyla as I turn back to Alyssa.

"Stay out of this." She warns me with a sneer. I let out a humourless chuckle and stand a foot away from her.

"How is it that a girl can get on a horse that's fully tacked up without the owner, who is supposed to be by the horse at all times, noticing?" I raise an eyebrow.

"I-" She can't argue and the crowd turns away and leaves the young girl alone. I feel my eyebrow rise up until I swear it's above my head like in one of those cartoons. "You'll regret that!" She yells before stomping off.

I let out a snort and, with a roll of my eye, I turn back to the trio. They grin at me before we slowly make our way back to the campsite. A hand on my shoulder stops me and I turn to face the young man with his daughter curled into him.

"Thank you, if there is anything I can ever do for you just call me." He says. I smile and shake my head.

"What your daughter did may have been dangerous, but I do believe she saved my friend's horse. He was dying of boredom and we couldn't figure out why, but now we know he wants to jump." I smile. "So thank you."

I turn away and hurry after my friends and Whiskey as they enter the gate to the paddock. Kyla hurries to cool down Whiskey as the rest of us plop down in the folding chairs and relax. Then with a scream, Mikaela leaps to her feet.

"Your dressage test!" She yells in horror. My eyes widen and I leap to my feet and race for Trestar. The flea bitten grey Mustang stallion snorts at my quick approach, but stands still as I swing up into the old dressage saddle.

I squeeze his sides with my legs and he prances toward the gate where Mikaela whips it open and almost shoves us through it. We walk through the campsite and down the trail before I ask for a nice, easy trot. Of course, I forget the spurs and with a squeal he gallops three strides. The shock causes my arms to yank back on the reins and he rears up with a snort.

"Sorry!" I laugh as he comes back down. His ears pin back and I hear his tail swish behind him harshly. "Sorry Trestar, I forgot about them." I pat his neck apologetically. He twists his head and gives me a good, hard glare before trotting onward.

At the dressage rings I see several horses and riders doing their test and many more warming their mounts. I quickly get behind someone trotting and begin doing circles and figure eights. I add in a half pass as well to get him really warmed up before asking for the canter. He swishes his tail but gracefully moves into a canter and we do a couple of circles and figure eights with flying lead changes. Then it's our turn to go.

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