One Last Chance

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Chapter Fifteen: One Last Chance

"Time to get up!" Skye sings before something heavy lands on top of me. A whoosh of air escapes me as I jolt up to find Skye lying across my lap.

"Skye! Get off!" Mik groans as I realize she's lying across her as well. Kyla is missing from the tent and for a moment I forget what happened last night. Oh right, she went home with Carter to help him pack.

"I want to go home! Sarah, Emily and Tara want to come over and hang out today! I only have a few weeks left of summer!" Skye whines as she scrambles off of us, purposely stepping on us as she goes for the tent flap.

"Go clean up the truck and put the folding chairs away." I tell her. "We'll be out in a minute." I moan as bright light enters the tent and right into my eyes. "We're officially awake! Now leave!" I cry out as I throw my arm over my eyes.

"Jeeze, you're acting like vampires." Skye grunts before leaving. More like vampires with major hangovers. I roll my eyes before crawling out from my sleeping bag and pushing the blankets away so I can roll it up.

"Have I ever told you how much I hate your sister?" Mik groans as she sits beside me and does the same to her sleeping bag. With our sleeping bags rolled up, we fold all the blankets and pull them out of the tent.

"We should help pack up Kyla's stuff as well." I suggest before stepping back into the tent. Mikaela folds up Kyla's blankets and with the tent empty we pull out the poles and fold it all up into the bag.

"Want me to go grab us some food?" Skye runs over. I silently hand her a twenty and she rushes off to grab something from somewhere. I'm too tired to care.

With the tent put away we head silently to our trailers to prep them so the horses can stand in them for a couple of hours. I muck out all the dirtied shavings into a bucket before placing it in the tack room. Then I grab a hay bale and break it up to stuff it into the hay nets so they have something to eat during the journey.

"Are we going to put Slayer and Satan in my trailer?" Mik appears on the ramp with a questioning look.

"Yeah, and then I guess I'll just have to come back for Twist when she's okay to be moved." I shrug my shoulders. Mik quickly disappears and I finish up with my trailer before moving over to Kyla's.

"Oh cowgirl?!" Alyssa's voice calls from the gate. I turn to see her holding Queen of the Rodeo with her tack on the ground by her feet. "I do believe you now own this horse." She waves the end of the lead rope in the air.

I sigh and hurry over to her when I realize I don't want another horse. Yeah, we have the room since Kyla's trailer is a three horse, but I just don't think we need a horse that can easily find a good home. I stop at the gate and lean against the panels as she stares at me from the other side.

"Look, keep the horse and go buy me my tack. Just find her a good home as I really don't need another horse." I tell her as I hand her a piece of paper.

"Well, I don't want her." Alyssa says as she takes the paper and opens it up. "Oh my God! This is over five grand!" She gaps as she adds it up.

"Oh and what was your tack going to add up to? Seven grand?" I raise an eyebrow at her. She huffs before dropping the lead rope and storming off. I grab Queenie's lead rope before she can wander off.

"Hey! I said I don't want the horse!" I yell after her. She breaks into a run and I have a feeling I won't see her again. "Damn it." I give the mare a little glare before sighing. "Be lucky you're cute." I tell her with a shake of my finger.

"She left you with her?" Mik hobbles over with a laugh. "Man, what a rich bitch." She shakes her head before opening the gate and grabbing Queenie.

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