Well, That's One Way To Cut Cattle

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Chapter Eight: Well, That's One Way To Cut Cattle

"You okay, Storm?" Mikaela asks as we trot side by side around the warm up ring. I shrug my shoulders and let out a tired sigh.

"Alex just exploded on me and I don't know why." I frown at the memory. "It's just frustrating me. What's so wrong with being a cowgirl?"

"He's probably just pissed with Alyssa, so don't take it to heart." Mikaela shrugs her shoulders. "Come on, you gotta focus and kick her ass." She shoves me lightly.

"Yeah, you're right. So what if he doesn't like me anymore? He's just one boy in a million." I smile and this time it doesn't falter.

"Now, that's the spirit! Let's kick rich bitch ass!" Mikaela says a little too loudly.

Alyssa turns to give us a glare before continuing to canter her Quarter horse mare around the warm up ring. Mikaela rolls her eyes and nudges Trigger into a lope. He takes off and leaves a prancing Stormy behind.

"Alright girl, let's kick some ass." I smile and nudge her into a lope. Stormy tosses her head and let's put a loud neigh.

A familiar horse answers her call and I turn to see Skye leading Trestar and Celtic over with their western gear on. I smile and jog her over to greet them. Skye stops at the edge of the warm up ring where a hitching rail stands. She wraps a leather strap around the wood before grinning up at me.

"I thought it would be easier if I brought them down instead of you having to go up and down a million times." She shrugs her shoulders.

"So, what do you want?" I grin as she looks at me through the corner of her eye. She grins sheepishly and gives the ground a good kick with her boot.

"Some money for the rides? Zoey wants me to go with her." She smiles. I roll my eyes at her before digging out my wallet and giving her a set of twenties. "We're going to watch you guys ride and then we're going to head over to the rides." She adds.

"Use one of those for food and drinks." I tell her sternly. She gives me a salute before racing off where I can see Alex and Zoey sitting.

"Well, at least he isn't stopping Zoey and Skye from hanging out with each other." Kyla comes up beside me. I shrug my shoulders before turning Stormy away from the boys.

"Keep an eye on them, will you?" I question as I get ready to really warm up. Kyla nods her head as I move into the crowded ring.

I nudge Stormy into a lope and we go around the ring. When Mikaela goes through the poles I begin testing Stormy's agility by twisting and turning her quickly in random directions. She keeps up with every turn and eventually I stop her so she has the energy she needs to kick Alyssa's ass.

"She looks ready to go." Kyla smiles as Mikaela charges for home. I nod my head and pat the young mare's neck.

"I'm glad Skye made me bring her." I smile as I fix a part of her grey mane. "I think she will at least get sixth place." I turn to frown at Alyssa as she gets ready to go. "What events did I choose for her again?"

"Wasn't it pole bending, bronc riding, and trick riding?" Mikaela frowns. "Wait a minute, didn't she do barrels?"

"Yeah, she did." I frown as the professionally trained Quarter horse races alongside the poles.

"Eh, whatever." Kyla shrugs and turns to head back over to my boys. "She's just showing off her fancy Quarter horse."

"Yeah, probably." I mumble before moving Stormy toward the start. Alyssa comes charging through the finish and stops right beside Stormy.

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