First Day of Class

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The next day, Luna made her way to the place where the anger management class was being held. It turned out to be someone's house, and Luna had to admit, it looked really pretty, especially with all the flowers. There was just one thing that made her cringe: the bird dummy in front of it.

The dummy would rock side to side and squawk, all while giving a creepy stare. It held a sign that read "Welcome Angry Birds!"

"Yeah, if only everyone knew what I actually am," Luna muttered. She walked past it and opened the door, stepping inside. All around her were beautiful paintings, sculptures, flowers, and wind chimes. "Wow...even the inside of this place is beautiful. I guess it would be nice to live in a place like this. Wait, what am I saying?" Even though Luna liked the way it looked, this was the last place she wanted to be. She turned around to leave.

"Oh, hi!"

The sudden voice made Luna jump. She turned around to see a smiling white bird with black feathers with pink tips at the top of her head.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," the white bird apologized. "You must be Luna, correct?"

Knowing there was no way out of this now, Luna just sighed. "Yes..."

"Oh, that's wonderful!" the white bird beamed, completely unfazed by Luna's indifference. "I'm Matilda, and I'm just super psyched to be taking this journey with you! Oh, you're going to have a blast! I'm really fun. Everybody says that about me!"

Luna mentally groaned. Great, she's one of those teachers. The one who says, "I'm just so excited to have everyone here and learn!"

She followed Matilda into a wide room where three other birds were waiting. They were sitting in a circle, and they all looked at the newcomer with interest.

"Hi everyone!" Matilda cheerfully greeted. "This is Luna, and she'll be joining us starting today! Be sure to give her a warm welcome!"

"Hi Luna!" a big black bird exclaimed. He looked genuinely happy to see her.

"Oh...hi there," Luna replied. She was taken aback by the greeting, since she was not used to kindness at all. Getting bullied was normal for her, but the opposite was a total surprise. Could this really be my chance at She sat down next to the yellow bird.

"Ok everyone, we also have another bird starting today. I want to make sure he didn't get lost looking for this room, so just wait here until I come back with him," Matilda instructed. "Perhaps you four can take this time to get to know each other better." She left the room in search of the other new student.

Luna however, didn't say anything. She just looked down at the ground until a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Hi, I'm Chuck!" the yellow bird introduced himself. "I don't know you at all, but I have the feeling that we're going to be really great friends!"

Two things about Chuck shocked Luna. First, he could talk fast, and second, he didn't even know her for a minute and he already wanted to be her friend. What made her really confused was that Chuck and the big black bird did not seem to have an anger issue at all. They were probably the last ones that should be here.

"Oh...well, hi, Chuck," Luna replied. "I'm Luna."

"You know, I think that's a very nice name!" Chuck complimented, causing Luna to blush.

Finally, Luna gave her attention to the enormous red bird glaring down at her. Why does he look so mad at me? She gained the courage to speak. "Hi." The bird answered her with a grunt.

Matilda came back into the room with a red bird following her, except that he was Luna's and Chuck's sizes and was a brighter hue. He had really thick, black eyebrows, a trait that stood out.

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