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Terence had parked the truck he was driving on the hill and after everyone had stepped out, explosions around the island unfolded before them. Still on Mighty Eagle's back, Chuck looked at the scene behind him and grimaced. With the city up in flames, could that, it couldn't. He couldn't think like that. Just then...

"Ow! Cramps!" Mighty Eagle cried out as he finally landed on the ground. Well, after he turned over and landed on his back, that was. But that didn't matter, because the eggs had been returned.

"Look at that!" One of the birds gasped.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"It really is him!"

"And yet he looks nothing like his statue."

While everyone was excited to see that Mighty Eagle was there and realize he was indeed real, this was no time to marvel at him, because they had a more important matter to attend to.

Matilda and Judge Peckinpah went over to the net and opened it to pass all the eggs back to their rightful parents, while Chuck went over to the now caught up Bomb to talk to him.

"Are you okay?" The yellow bird asked with concern.

"Chuck, my man. Did you see what I did back there?" Bomb smiled.

"Of course I did!" Chuck exclaimed. "You were amazing! Now everyone is reunited!" He turned around to see everyone smiling, except for the Blues. He looked over to the net, which was now empty. Their egg was the one that fell back into the castle. The one that Luna dove after, with Red following her. Reluctantly, he looked back at the now destroyed city. "Where are they?"

"Red? Luna?" Bomb called out. No response.

Making sense of the situation, Mighty Eagle got up and looked around for Red and Luna, but they were nowhere to be seen on the hill.

"I think they might be dead..."

Everyone fell silent. The one who stopped at nothing to warn them about the pigs, the one that led them in their crusade to rescue the kidnapped, was gone. And now, two of the kidnapped were probably dead too.

Chuck and Bomb lowered their heads in respect and wept for their lost friends. Chuck and Red didn't get along at first, but as the days passed, they were brought together. As for Luna...he and Bomb were still very surprised at her secret, and bird or not, she was very special to them. They made her feel welcome on the day they first met, she returned their friendship, and next thing they knew, she was dead.

One of the hatchlings gazed down upon the ruined city and noticed two figures coming towards everyone. Just then...


At the sound of this, everyone turned around and looked in the direction of the hatchling.

Red and Luna were alive!

"They're alive!" Chuck cried.

Everyone cheered at this news, but fell silent when they noticed Luna, for she was now in her human form.

"What is that thing?"

"Is that really Luna?"

"If that's her, why is she...?"

Hearing all of this, Chuck decided to put a stop to it. "Everyone, stop!" He ordered. "Yes, that's Luna! Don't worry, she'll explain everything later! Right, Luna?"

Luna smiled down at her friend. "Of course I will. More importantly..." She gestured over to the shell Red was holding, which contained three blue hatchlings.

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