Center of Attention

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A/N: It's been a very long time since I last updated, and I'm sorry about that. However, the new chapter is here, so yay! Also, quick note: not really sure how to word this, but a few dark elements are present in this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

That night, a huge celebration was held to welcome the pigs. Bright lights, flowers, and other decorations were hung everywhere, there was a huge banquet, and everyone was having a good time...well, almost everyone.

Luna initially didn't want to go, but Chuck and Bomb persisted. They were her first real friends, so she felt like she couldn't say no to them. Another thing that changed her mind about going to the party was Red. They had been getting along well since they had a few things in common, and she really wanted to make another friend. Yet, the reason why Red bothered showing up was so that he could keep nagging on the pigs to fix his house.

"I can't believe this," Luna huffed. "These pigs are total strangers and they're being let in as if it's no big deal."

"You got that right," Red agreed. "It's such a shame that Peckinshit has to be an idiot. I mean, he's a judge! A political figure involved with the law! He should be protecting us. But instead he wastes his time sending citizens to anger management classes for stupid reasons."

Luna laughed at his remark. She loved the name Red came up with for Peckinpah and how his life was described. In this moment everything about him was true and Luna was so glad to know that there was someone who saw eye to eye with her.

"There you are!"

Luna looked up to see that the voice who called out to her was Chuck, with Bomb at his side.

"We've been trying to find you for the past eleven minutes!" Chuck exclaimed. He looked more worried than angry, thankfully.

"Oh, sorry about that," Luna apologized. "I thought you'd more easily find me sitting at a table. I'm not hard to miss, after all."

Chuck smiled. "It's okay," he reassured with relief in his tone. That relaxed mood disappeared when he saw Red sitting next to Luna. The sight of that bird made him glare daggers. "You." Chuck was still holding hid grudge against Red.

"Well this is just getting awkward," Red announced.

Chuck raised an eyebrow. "Red? Is there something you would like to say?"

Seeing that there was no other option and that he couldn't keep running forever, Red decided to finally give in. He had to admit, he was wrong for destroying something that wasn't his. "Okay, I'm sorry. I should've left it alone. I now know what it feels like to have my life's work get destroyed, so of course I feel upset about that. Please forgive me."

Chuck stared at him for a few seconds, gazing into his eyes with his wing resting under his beak, as if speculating. Finally, he grinned and said, "Okay! Apology accepted!" He and Bomb sat down with them, and Red sighed in relief, glad that this feud was now over.

"Say, Red, why did you decide to come here when you were angry with the pigs earlier today?" Bomb asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Red scoffed. "I came here to keep nagging them about fixing my house, and I won't leave until they agree to do it."

"And I'm here to accompany him," Luna added. "We're friends now, so we need to stick together."

"Anyway, what was that pig's deal? He hit on Luna right in front of a huge crowd," Chuck mentioned.

Red folded his wings and looked to the side. "Yeah, and as soon as I stood up for her that got even more attention," he grunted.

Luna gave a small blush. "That whole situation was very embarrassing for me..."

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