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A/N: Hey everyone, before you start reading this chapter, I'd like to announce something. Of course, you do not have to do this, but if you want, I encourage you to make some fan art. I'd love to see it! Anyway, enjoy!

When she found the gem on the sand fifteen years ago, Luna believed that the only one who controlled it was herself. But now, she found out that assumption was wrong. It didn't have to be necessarily her that added a new form or used it to switch. Anyone could use it, but of course, only she would receive the effect.

Luna just stared at her reflection, motionless and paralyzed with fear. She now really regretted telling Leonard the truth about her gem. He could now use it to his advantage. Luna recalled not seeing any TNT planted on her house, which meant it was still there. If she had just left her gem there and stayed with her friends during the discussion of the plan, she wouldn't be in this mess right now. But it was too late. Leonard had used the gem to force her to turn into a pig.

Luna spun around and glared at Leonard. "Why did you do this to me?!" She cried. "Give that back!" She lunged for the gem, only for Leonard to raise it up higher, causing her to fall down.

"Oh Luna," Leonard gave a cunning smile, "that's much better. Thanks for the gem."

Luna looked up at Leonard, her eyes full of hatred. "!" She stood up, but fell back down. She wasn't used to this new form...yet.

"Once again, I'd like to give thanks to all of you," Leonard remarked. "I just needed to put on the finishing touch." The prep team waved and said their goodbyes as Leonard dragged Luna out of the room, although she was struggling and kicking in protest.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Leonard sighed and lightly pinned Luna to the wall. "Luna...I'll tell you this. After the wedding and the reception, I'll give your gem back to you. But you'll only use it at nighttime."

"Yeah, right," Luna spat. "That's not going to happen because I'm not marrying you! And I'm going to get my gem back and get back to Bird Island! They're all coming for me, I know it!"

"Oh Luna," Leonard laughed. "You wish. Now, let's see how the wedding arrangements are going." He grabbed her arm and they went down some stairs and into the room where the reception was being held. In one corner was a DJ booth with a young teenage pig standing behind it.

"Oh, hello, your majesty," he greeted. "What brings you and future queen Luna here?"

"Hi, Robbie," Leonard said, "I was curious to see what music you had in your playlist for the reception."

"Well, I do have many good songs on here," Robbie bragged. "Want to listen to one of them?"

"Of course."

Robbie pressed the play button next to one of the songs on the list and immediately disco music was blasting through the speakers.

"What up with the disco?!" Luna shouted.

Robbie realized that the song he was intending to play was actually under the song that was currently playing. "Sorry, I hit the wrong thing!"

"No! Fifteen years ago your mother gave birth to the wrong thing!"

Robbie flinched back in fear. "Y-your m-majesty," he stammered, "I'm s-sorry but...I'm scared of Luna now."

Luna smirked at this, while Leonard gave a light laugh. "Don't worry, Robbie. She'll calm down and learn to accept her new life here. But you were right! You do have a good taste in music. I'm glad I selected you for this job."

"My pleasure," Robbie said with a smile.

While he and Leonard were having a chat, Luna decided it was time to act. Leonard was so distracted in his conversation with Robbie that he forgot he was holding the gem and dropped it onto the floor. Luna slowly crept up and picked the gem up, hiding it in one of the seemingly invisible pockets of her dress.

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