Last Day in Hell

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A/N: Hey everyone! So, it's been four months since I last updated this, and I am so sorry for the wait! My mental health hasn't been the best, plus I wanted to put some attention to my other stories, but now I'm back with Reflection! I hope this was worth the wait!

As the castle began to grow smaller in the distance, Chuck felt uneasy, knowing there was a possibility that he would never see two of his friends ever again. His fear was replaced when he saw airplanes edge closer to him. "Shit!" We're outnumbered!"

"What?! How many?!" Mighty Eagle cried.

"Oh, no, not that many. Just the right amount, really. No need to look back. Just keep flying...FASTER! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT!"


From a distance out of the corner of her eye, Luna could see Red falling down towards her and Leonard. She was half-expecting him to not follow her, and half-expecting him to. The three of them landed in the dining room with a thud. Thankfully, Luna had caught the egg just in time.

"Yes!" She exclaimed. Her joy was short lived when Leonard stood up and glanced down at her. To make it worse, the other pigs had surrounded her.

"Give that to me," he hissed, reaching for it.

Luna instantly rolled over, protecting the egg with her body. "Not. A. Chance."

Leonard frowned, but then shrugged. "Oh well. I was going to take both of you back anyway! Now stay still so I can—"

"LEAVE LUNA ALONE!" An angry voice thundered. Luna, Leonard, and the others turned their attention to the voice to see that it had belonged to Red. A smile plastered on Luna's face. She had an idea.

"Here, Red, catch!" She instantly threw the egg in his direction, making sure it was high enough to fly over the pigs so they couldn't catch it.

"Got it!" Red cried as the egg landed in his arms.

Forgetting about Luna, Leonard ran right over to Red. "I'll take that!"

"No you won't!" Red refuted with an angry gleam in his eyes. He kept his expression firm, even though he was now surrounded by the pigs, leaving Luna in a wide-open space.

"You just don't know when to stop, do ya?"

"Here's a two word answer: uh-uh!"

The pigs closed in further on Red. He held the egg close to his body, protecting it with all his might. Seeing the predicament he was in, Luna had to act fast if she wanted her distraction plan to work. She was now standing above the pot. Red noticed her up there and saw her motion at the pot and then the chandelier. He knew what she was going to do.

"Looks like your little slingshot game ends here!" Leonard growled. "Gimme that!"

"Not gonna happen!" Red yelled.

As Luna watched the scene going on below her, she took a deep breath. It looks like Red understands what I'm about to do. It's now or never. With all of her strength, she grabbed the rim of the pot and began to tilt it over.


Hearing a strange noise, Leonard turned around to see that the pot was slowly aiming at him. It took him less than a second to realize the situation he was in.

"OH, FUCK!" He panicked. Everyone, run for your lives!"

Remembering Luna's silent command, Red jumped up onto the chandelier and held on. Seeing this, Leonard did the same, just in time as the boiling hot water spilled from the pot and traveled through the entire room. Fortunately for the other pigs, they were able to scurry away and shut the doors before the flood could go anywhere else.

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