Almost There

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The only time Luna had been in a wedding was when her Aunt Jane had gotten married. Alongside Narcissa, the two of them walked down the flower aisle. Luna threw the white and pink flower petals, while Narcissa carried a small velvet pillow with plastic golden rings on it.

Luna was the one to catch the bouquet at the reception, which was said to have meant she was next. Well, until she was old enough, that is. Luna had no idea what happened to everyone else over the past fifteen years though, and besides, she knew the catching of the bouquet wasn't true.

But she never expected that she would be marrying someone like Leonard. To make matters worse, no one at the wedding was on her side. Leonard didn't care how she felt about him, and everyone else was just too excited about having a new queen. None of her family members were there to save her from this. The only ones she could count on now were those from Bird Island. The sooner they got here the better.

Leonard was not joking around when he said that Luna would have to be dragged down the aisle in chains if it meant marrying her. And following up on her recent behavior, Leonard felt it was necessary. Luna was chained up alright, but no one knew except for her, Leonard, Ross, and the one responsible for making them. Earlier Leonard had met up with a scientist who had specifically made invisible handcuffs, chains, and other types of restraints. And now Luna was wearing them.

Luna watched those in front of her file out of the bridal room. Ross stood at her side, so that to make sure she didn't try to escape after the other women had left. Also, since Luna didn't have a father who would walk her down the aisle, Ross was asked to fill that role.

As she walked down the aisle, Luna kept her head down and her eyes were full of sorrow and dread. She didn't even try to get away. She felt powerless. She was hopeful until Leonard revealed his sudden change of plans. There was no way her friends would be able to make it in time. And the thought of being kissed by Leonard...she didn't want to think about it.

"Welcome, everyone," the officiant greeted. "Due to the completely unexpected turn of events, we unfortunately cannot be here for more than a few minutes. But nevertheless, today is a happy day, for our king has found himself a suitable queen. And although they've only known each other for a few days, they are excited to join each other in holy matrimony. Everyone, please welcome Queen Luna as she joins the king in reigning our island."


After one more bird was launched into the sky, Red decided that it was his turn. He held onto both sides of the band, ready to take off. Realizing something, he stopped and looked at the large crimson bird. "Terence! I got an idea! Do you think you can pull the slingshot back far enough to hit that giant boulder?"

Terence grunted.

"Okay. Launch me right towards the top of that thing," Red instructed. As he held on as tight as possible, Terence came over and pulled it as far back as he could.

"Red, I'm not gonna lie to you, I am...really going to miss you when you die!" Chuck wept, much to Red's annoyance.

"Rest in peace, my friend," Bomb mourned. "Rest in peace."

Red just rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Hey, guys? Let's not get cheesy, okay?"

"Right," Chuck said.

"Ready? Fire!" Red shouted. Terence released the slingshot, and Red was hurled into the air. Approaching the boulder, he quickly got into a ball. "This is gonna hurt, but I got to do this for Luna." He fell onto the boulder, then bounced off, crashing right into the roof of the castle. He kept himself curled up to protect himself from the debris that fell all around him. When he heard it stop, he stood up and smiled.

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