The Confrontation

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When Luna arrived at the beach, she saw Red laying face down. As she approached him, she saw him starting to get up.

"Don't worry, I'm fine! Thanks for the lift! I wish they'd done that ten minutes ago," Red shouted as loud as he could, although it was most likely no one had heard him. Except for Luna.

"Red! Thank goodness you're okay!" She exclaimed as she rushed over to his side.

Red looked at Luna and smiled. "Thanks, Luna. For you know, caring about me."

Behind Red, Luna noticed something that piqued her interest. "Hey, what's that?" she inquired. Red turned around to see what she was talking about. It was the ship that belonged to the pigs.

"It's their ship. I don't know what's in it, but I say we check it out," Red suggested. "Who knows, maybe we can find something in there that we can hold against them."

Right before they took their first steps, Chuck appeared right beside them. Seeing the ship and taking note of Red's and Luna's facial expressions, he zipped over in front of them. "You two know you want to search their boat," he whispered.

"What? No we don't!" Red lied. "Yeah, you're right, we do."

"Oh, great! Perfect timing!" Chuck exclaimed as Bomb showed up. "We're all going to raid the ship."

The four of them approached the ship and climbed their way to the deck. After making sure no one else had shown up on the beach, they lifted the trap door and went inside.

During their search, they found a room with dozens of trampolines and a closet that was filled with cowboy gear, in which Red scoffed at. Luna found a wide array of books, one of which disgusted her. Chuck found some vehicles.

"Why does this place have so many strange items?" Luna wondered.

"Beats me," Red shrugged. "These fu—"

"Hey everyone check this out!" Bomb shouted, followed by laughter. He was bouncing on one of the trampolines.

Red's wings were shaking in frustration. "Bomb, what the hell are you doing? We're trying to sneak around, not rent this place out!"

"Wow! You can rent this place?" Bomb was unfazed by the scolding. He continued to bounce, only to break the trampoline and fall through the hole. When Luna, Red, and Chuck rushed over to see if he was okay, they saw something they hoped they would never see.

Bomb had landed on top of a crowd of pigs. The room contained dozens of them to the point where it just wasn't worth counting them.

"We were hiding!" One of them admitted.

"I knew it," Luna hissed.


The four of them did not hesitate to get back to the party, with the new pigs trailing behind them. After making sure he was within earshot, Red made his announcement.

"There's more of them!" he yelled, successfully gaining everyone's attention. "That's right! I'm back. Enjoying the party, everyone? Because while you were living it up, I snuck onto their boat! And look what I found!" He gestured over at the pigs. "There's more of them! Earlier, he said there were only two pigs on board, but he was obviously lying! And there's strange devices on their boat! So clearly there's, you know, some messed up stuff going on here."

"Don't forget that messed up book I found," Luna mentioned.

"How messed up?" Red continued. "I don't know. What specifically? I don't know that either. Any questions?"

One bird raised his wing.


"Did your girlfriend tell you whether or not she's sterile?"

Red ignored Alex. He knew better than to give him the satisfaction.

"You snuck onto their boat?" Peckinpah scoffed.

"That's right, we did," Luna acknowledged.

"Now, we don't need a reward," Red assured. "If you're thinking of what honor to bestow upon us, we don't need it."

In response, all the birds started to boo at them.

"Perhaps I can explain," Leonard cut in. "You see, my cousins are simple folk. Watch. A, B, C..." A pig stuck out his tongue. "Nothing. See? Nothing. I didn't want to risk their lives until I found out that the new world was safe. We were going to put on a cowboy show for you..." He looked at the ground in sorrow. "But perhaps it wasn't meant to be. I believe that birds and pigs were meant to be friends, but if we crossed boundaries that weren't meant to be crossed..." A few tears emerged from his eyes, earning him sympathy from the birds. All of them except for two.

"Aww, I'm so touched," Luna said flatly. "I know you're full of sh—"

"MISS LUNA!" Peckinpah barked. "That's enough. And you, Mr. Red! Don't think I forgot you! You two shamed not only yourselves, but our entire community."

"I'm sorry," Red said sarcastically. "You said 'shamed' when you meant 'saved,' right?"

"I sent you two to treatment to deal with your problems. Clearly, more treatment is required!"

"No!" Luna and Red shouted at the same time, with Matilda joining them.

"Do not trouble our honored guests again!" Peckinpah yelled. He turned back to the pigs. "My friends, we would love to see your cowboy show!"

"Thank you!" Leonard sniffed. "Thank you so much!"

And with that, the pigs who were supposed to perform put on their cowboy gear. The music started, as they were dancing, everyone except for Luna, Red, Chuck, and Bomb was cheering them on.

"That bastard," Luna cursed. "The pigs are obviously here for something and he won't do anything about it! We're trying to make him listen, but he won't. If this keeps up, something very bad will happen to all of us."

She stormed off and ran back to her house, Red doing the same shortly after, at least, to what was left of it. 

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