Journey to Eagle Mountain

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"So, what are we doing here exactly?" Chuck asked as he, Red, Luna, and Bomb were spying on a few pigs. Earlier Red and Luna asked the two to join them.

"We still need to find out what's up with them," Luna said. "I'm not letting my guard down."

"Something isn't kosher with these pigs," Red agreed. "And it's up to us to figure it out."

"Figure out what exactly?" Chuck still didn't understand.

"I don't know, maybe they're just being innovative," Bomb assumed as he viewed the zip lines the pigs had built. "It does seem a little odd, though."

"Come on! Does none of this seem wrong to you two?" Red asked.

"Why else would they do this?" Luna added.

"I'll tell you this, if anyone knows what these pigs are up to, it's Mighty Eagle," Red declared as he pointed to the statue. As the four of them stared at it, Bomb and Chuck's expressions had dropped and were replaced with excitement.

"Does Mighty Eagle still live?" Bomb asked.

"Did he ever live?" Chuck replied. "And if he did live, where would he live?"

"By the Lake of Wisdom in the Ancient Tree."

"That's a fairy tale! I've been all over this island. Where could that possibly be?"

"Way up high," Red cut in as he pointed up to the tall mountain that had its top shaped like an eagle head. "It's a long way up that mountain, and if I'm being honest...well, I mean, you know, Luna and I could kind of use your help."

"Sure, Luna, we'll help you! Me and Bomb," Chuck replied, much to Red's annoyance.

"Hey, both me and Luna could use your help," Red repeated.

"Of course we're helping Luna," Chuck smirked. "Unfortunately I couldn't hear the other part over your ego. Could you enunciate that last word a bit?"

"Good one, Chuck," Luna whispered as she gave him a high-five.

Red had had it. "I need your help!" he shouted, not holding back.

Chuck's smirk disappeared. "Oh! Why didn't you say so? Bomb?"

"Are we really sure about this?" Bomb asked cautiously. "We don't know how long it could take to get there. What if we miss out on anger management class?"

"Who cares about that? I'd love to ditch it. Besides, I want to get away from these pigs for a while, especially him," Luna said.

"I'm with her," Red joined in. Bomb smiled. "So let's do it!"


Not knowing how long the journey was going to be, they went to their homes so they could pack food and water and other essentials. Red went with Luna since his house was destroyed and she was happy to let him stay with her, as long as he didn't find out about her gem.

Now, they were climbing the mountain, and all Chuck and Bomb ever wanted to do was come up with their own idea of what their hero's battle cry would sound like, and some of them did not sound pleasant at all. It seemed to go on forever, and even though Luna was very annoyed, she couldn't bring herself to tell her friends to stop. However, Red was not having it.

"Stop making Mighty Eagle noises!" Red shouted. "It's like running a nursery, absolute childcare!"

"Tell me about it," Luna muttered.

"Some has anger issues," Chuck whispered, but Red ignored him.

They eventually reached the top and looked around to admire their progress, only to see the eagle head-shaped mountain all the way on the other side.

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