Taken Away

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As the time went on, Luna and her friends still weren't able to get Mighty Eagle to listen to them. Instead, he kept going on about how awesome he was and even made them sing his song. But after coming this far, there was no way they could give up.

"Hey, Mighty Eagle," Luna began, "we really need to tell you something. That was why we came here."

"Oh, of course!" he said and looked at her. "So, what is it, Raven?"

"That's...not my name," Luna pointed out, although she was glad that he would finally shut up about himself.

Red decided to speak up. "So, anyway, the other day, these pigs showed up out of nowhere, and It caused my friends and I a great deal of suspicion..." he trailed off as he noticed Mighty Eagle leaving the room. "Are you kidding me?"

"Hey, come back!" Luna called, but she was ignored. "This is really important!" She huffed and sat down, despair showing in her eyes. "Now what do we do?"

"I'm with you, Luna. I don't get this," Red fumed as he put his wing around her. "This guy sits here on his ass, all alone, clearly doesn't leave the house. He talks a good game, but he doesn't care about anyone but himself!"

"Sounds a lot like you," Chuck said as he crossed his arms.

"Bullshit, I care about Luna," he refuted. Luna gave a little smile.

"So what do we do now?" She sorrowfully asked. She was upset with Mighty Eagle, but she didn't want to go back to the village. Being around Leonard made her feel very uncomfortable.

Red stuck out his wing to her. "Come on, Luna. Let's try one more time."

Luna stood up and the two ran off to go find Mighty Eagle. When they found him, he was looking through a pair of binoculars.

"What are you doing?" Red asked.

"I'm bird watching," Mighty Eagle casually replied. "Take a peak."

Luna approached the binoculars and looked through them. Apparently, the bird he was watching was an elderly woman. She immediately backed away. "Pervert!" she yelled.

Red decided to take a look as well. "Oh, you're disgusting! Look, are you going to help us or not?"

"I am helping you!" Mighty Eagle protested.

As Red kept arguing with him, Luna decided to stare into the binoculars and move them around, wondering if there was anything useful Mighty Eagle could've possibly seen earlier. What she saw had made her let go and back away, fear ridden all over her face. "Red..."

Red stopped scolding Mighty Eagle and ran over to the binoculars. He saw the same horror Luna had seen. While birds were entering a giant tent, pigs holding TNT were running all over the place and planting it in many locations.

"Holy shit, we were right!" Red gasped. "I knew it! Bomb! Chuck! Hurry up, get out here!"

Mighty Eagle decided to take a peak. "Uh-oh."

"We need to get down there as soon as possible!" Luna cried.

"Mighty Eagle, hey, fly us down there, now!" Red urged.

But Mighty Eagle just put his wings on his hips. "No."


"I don't do that anymore," he informed. "I'm retired. You two go handle it yourselves. This is everything I've prepared you for."

"What?! Prepared us?! What the hell is with you?" Luna snapped. "All you've done is boast about yourself and made us sing your stupid song! We are all in danger and you won't do a damn thing about it!"

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