Crystal Dreams, Magic Nightmare

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With the door locked and no windows present, Luna decided the only thing she could do was lay on her bed and get some rest, especially since she didn't have a good sleep on the boat. She turned the light off and went over to the bed.

Immediately she felt the softest mattress she had ever laid on, and one peculiar thing she noticed was that the blankets felt as if they were made to accommodate how cold or warm she was feeling. Adding on, they instantly made her feel drowsy. Within minutes, she was asleep.


Back in her human form, Luna continued her journey to finding her new home. She had just been banished from Bird Island, and she did not want to go to Piggy Island. She would return to her own world, but she did not have the slightest idea how.

Now, she was making her way through the forest, hoping to get to civilization as soon as possible. It was dark now, but it didn't bother her. The weather was warm and there were no wild animals. Sleeping outside was not a problem.


"Huh?" Luna felt a drizzle hit her head. She looked up and noticed storm clouds covering the sky. More rain drops came down, and more came with each one, getting faster. Lightning flashed in the sky. "Oh no, I better find shelter, quick!"

Luna scrambled through the forest, desperate to find a place that would protect her from the rain and more importantly, the lightning. Suddenly, she heard a voice singing a very soothing melody. She rushed over to find that the source of it was coming from a cave.

"Yes! Shelter! I just hope whoever's in there is willing to let me stay..." She went inside. "Hello?" she called through the pitch darkness. "It's storming outside and I was wondering if I could—aaahh!" She stepped on a cloth that was held down by stones and branches. The cloth was apparently supposed to cover a hole, and she fell right through. "Augh..."

The voice continued to sing. Luna stood back up and continued to follow it. This part of the cave was much brighter thanks to the light-giving crystal shards stuck to the walls. All of them seemed to give off a mystifying aura. At the end of the pathway, she found that the voice belonged to another girl standing in the center, surrounded by rocks and crystals.

"Hey, sorry to intrude," Luna interrupted, "but there's a thunderstorm outside and I really need a place to stay until it passes." The girl turned around, and to Luna's surprise, she looked just like her! Only she wasn't her.

"Who are you?" the girl inquired.

"I'm Luna. And, wow, we look exactly alike, even though I don't have a twin."

The strange girl chuckled. "Of course we're not twins yet look exactly alike. That's because I'm you."

"But how is that possible?" Luna asked confusedly.

The girl ignored her question. "To save confusion, call me Waverly." Waverly was Luna's middle name. "But tell me, why are you in the forest at this hour?"

"Well, the thing is...I was banished from my home," Luna explained. "I'm from a different universe, one that is inhabited and ruled by humans." She then told the story of how she ended up on Bird Island and how her gem worked. "Then one day, my secret got out, and, well...they were very angry with me. They spewed insults at me, called me every name in the book...they made it very clear that they didn't want me there. So I had no choice but to leave. And that's what got me here."

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