6 | Sing For Me

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"How'd it go?" Karen looked up at Meredith and me from her bed in the ICU.

I smiled, "Great. You are the proud new owner of a fully functioning liver."

Karen exhaled in relief, "Thank God."

"Don't thank God." Marcy piped up, "Thank me. I'll never be able to wear a two-piece again. It's a horrible scar."

"I have thanked you, Marcy, about a million times." Karen huffed.

Meredith picked up the chart, "Okay, enough. We're not gonna do this again."

"But it doesn't seem to make a difference." Karen continued, "You just don't get it. So I'm done."

"Excuse me?" Marcy looked offended.

Karen took a breath, "I am done thanking you. You are not allowed to mention your extraordinary generosity anymore, except once a year on Thanksgiving."

"Okay, you're gonna hurt yourself." Meredith stopped Karen.

Karen ignored her and I rolled my eyes, "And on that night, I will thank you. But if you don't follow my rules-"

"Oh, there are rules?" Marcy mocked her sister.

"Yes." Karen nodded, "I will have to bring up everything about you that I have happily chosen to not mention, like how you've lost thousands of dollars in that lipstick selling ponzi scheme."

"That's none of your business." Marcy insisted.

"Oh, and how sometimes when you're drunk and sad, you 'sext' your college boyfriend," Karen added and I tried hard to hold back a giggle.

Marcy winced, "You wouldn't."

"Yes, I would, which is why you will not mention my liver ever again." Karen threatened, "My liver is dead to you!"

"Fine." Marcy submitted, "Your liver's dead to me. What about the money you owe me?"

"Enough! Enough! Both of you, stop talking." I demanded.

"She is-"

I shut them up again, "Well, I-I mean it."

"You are in a time out," Meredith added and looked to Marcy, "especially you. No more talking."

"You can't talk to me like this," Marcy complained.

"Psst." Meredith hushed her.

"This is ridic-"


Finally, Marcy had shut up. Karen chuckled slightly as she relaxed back in her bed and closed her eyes. "Finally." I whispered as Meredith and I left, "I didn't think someone could actually talk that much."

Even though those two sisters had been a pain in my butt all day, the day was finally over and I could head back to the house for Zola's party. After changing out of my scrubs and heading back home, I hopped into the shower and changed into something a little nicer before joining the party downstairs. I arrived just as Meredith brought Zola out in her beautiful pink dress.

"Happy birthday." I smiled at Zola along with everyone else.

"You made it." Meredith walked over to Webber.

He picked up a present for Zola, "Of course. Adele insisted I didn't miss little miss Zola's party."

"So she's feeling better then?" I asked.

Webber nodded, "Uh, much. The night nurse is with her. She was already asleep when I left. And this is for the guest of honor." he held up the bag, "How are you doing, little miss Zola? You look very pretty for your birthday. Yes, you do."

Heading off, Meredith left for a few minutes before returning with the cake. Setting it down on the coffee table in front of Webber, she smiled, "Happy ten-thousandth, Dr. Webber."

"Oh, for me?" he asked, "No."

"Come on. It's-it's not every day you get to celebrate ten thousand surgeries." Derek insisted.

Giving in, Webber leaned forward and blew out the one candle on the cake. Smiling, I began to applaud with everyone else. "Yay, Chief." people cheered, still referring to him as the Chief even though he wasn't.

"Hey, um, do you remember your first surgery?" Bailey asked Webber.

"Well, sure. Sure." Webber nodded, "I was a third-year resident. Third-years could take the lead on surgeries. A gallbladder."

"Constantly!" we heard Owen yell from the kitchen, "You do what works for you. You don't care who you crush in the process...or who gets hurt!"

Quickly, Meredith left to diffuse the situation.

"You killed our baby! You don't ever forget that!" Owen shouted at who I could only assume was Cristina.

Everyone was silent as we listened to the argument. And after hearing what had been said, I finally made up my mind about Jackson. Walking over to him, I grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs so we could talk. Putting down his drink on a table in the hall, he turned to me, "W-what is it?"

"Um, after today I watched and heard a lot of stuff go down between couples." I told him, "And I have finally made up my mind about what you said."

Jackson's face instantly fell, "If it's about Owen and Cristina, we-we don't have to be like them. They made mistakes, but we don't have to. I...if you just let me show you-"

"No, that's not it." I smiled, "I mean, sure, they're having problems, but who doesn't? Today, during Dr. Webber's surgery, Adele came in and was having one of her episodes. Dr. Webber...he-he sang to her while performing a liver transplant. I mean, how insane is that?"

"Insane." Jackson agreed, still not really getting what I was trying to say.

I nodded, "It is, isn't it? Anyway, while that was going on I couldn't help but think that...I'd-I'd like to sing to you in the O.R.; do...do you get what I'm trying to say?"

Jackson just shook his head. Rolling my eyes, I chuckled, "I want to go through bumps and rough patches with you. I-I want to scream at you in the kitchen and-and have arguments; but at the end of the day, I want to be the one you sing to while doing a freakin' liver transplant. So, what I'm trying to say is...yes. Yes, I forgive you and yes, we can...I want to give us another shot."

Seconds after I finished speaking, Jackson picked me up and swung me around the hallway, "Yes! You're not going to regret this!"

"I better not." I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

He kissed back passionately before pulling away, "You're amazing and I love you."

Code Blue | Grey's Anatomy // Book 2 // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now